1075 results for "number".
Question in Maths supportWriting numbers as a product of prime factors
Question in Shaheen's workspace
Find modulus and argument of two complex numbers.
Then use De Moivre's Theorem to find powers of the complex numbers.
Exam (5 questions) in Shaheen's workspace
AEP Y1 - Engineering Mathematics Assessment 1(i)
Note that part(i) counts 20% towards the final Y1 Engineering Mathematics module grade.
Exam (5 questions) in Shaheen's workspace
AEP Y1 - Engineering Mathematics Assessment 1(i)
Note that part(i) counts 20% towards the final Y1 Engineering Mathematics module grade.
Exam (5 questions) in Shaheen's workspace
AEP Y1 - Engineering Mathematics Assessment 1(i)
Note that part(i) counts 20% towards the final Y1 Engineering Mathematics module grade.
Question in 1010ENG/1201SCG Complex numbers
Practice to decide which quadrant a complex number lies in.
Question in 1010ENG/1201SCG Complex numbers
Practice to decide which quadrant a complex number lies in.
Exam (5 questions) in Shaheen's workspace
You are allowed 38 minutes to complete this test.
You may use rough paper for your calculations.
Exam (5 questions) in Shaheen's workspace
You are allowed 31 minutes to complete this test.
You may use rough paper for your calculations.
Question in Shaheen's workspace
Two parts.
Exam (7 questions) in Shaheen's workspace
Content assessed : complex arithmetic; argument and modulus of complex numbers; de Moivre's theorem.
This complex numbers in-class assesment counts 20% towards your final maths grade for WM104.
Note that although questions are randomised for each student, all questions test the same learning outcomes at the same level for each student.
If you have any questions during the test, please put up your hand to alert the invigilator that you need attention.
Question in CHY1201 - Spectroscopy
Question requires students to interchange units of Hz with MHz, GHz, THz. Question is not very efficient at present- frequencies spanning many orders of magnitude are generated by variables in a clumsy way. Could be improved by having frequency generated by a 10^((random(1000..4000)/1000) variable instead, for example.
Question in How-tosThis question generates two variables, a and b. They're chosen to be distinct, and neither takes the value zero.
Question in How-tos
Just showing how to use the stdev function from the stats extension to calculate the standard deviation of a list of numbers.
Question in How-tos
The student must enter a number in scientific notation, with separate boxes for significand and exponent. They only get the marks if both elements are correct.
Question in How-tos
A function which renders the factorisation of a number in LaTeX.
Question in How-tos
Show a list of the factors of a number.
Works by testing each number up to $n$ for divisibility by $n$, so won't do well with really big numbers. Certainly fast enough for numbers up to 4 or 5 digits.
Question in How-tos
One method of randomly choosing names for variables. For each variable, we have 4 options. Create a list of 4 numbers, which is 1 for the name we want to use, and 0 otherwise.
Then, whenever we use that variable, multiply each of the possible names by the corresponding number in the list. When the expression is simplified, the unwanted names will cancel to 0, leaving only the name we want.
This is quite clunky!
(This question also uses a custom marking script to check that the student has simplified the expression)
Question in How-tos
Some custom CSS restyles the matrix input so it looks like a fraction, with input boxes on top and bottom.
Ideally, there should be a fraction input part type, or an option for the number entry part to display a fraction input.
Question in How-tos
Numbas can now understand and use several different styles of notation for numbers.
This question shows off all the supported styles, both for display in text and in the answers to number entry parts.
Question in How-tos
Student is given a few numbers to choose from. They must pick at least two, and then give the sum of their chosen numbers.
Question in How-tos
This question shows how to ask for a number in scientific notation, by asking for the significand and exponent separately and using a custom marking algorithm in the gap-fill part to put the two pieces together.
Answers not in standard form, i.e. with a significand not in $[1,10)$, are accepted but given partial marks.
Question in How-tos
A randomly generated list of numbers is shown to the student. They must tick every occurrence of the lowest number. The number of occurrences isn't always the same - sometimes the minimum is unique and sometimes it is repeated. The
function makes it easy to construct a marking matrix. -
Question in Blathnaid's workspace
Finding the modulus and argument (in radians) of four complex numbers; the arguments between $-\pi$ and $\pi$ and careful with quadrants!
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given random set of data (between 13 and 23 numbers all less than 100), find their stem-and-leaf plot.
This version of the question asks for 10 fields to be filled rather than the full 25, although the question statement asks for 25. I am sure that the first version asked for all 25. -
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Find upper and lower bounds on the number of codewords in three maximal codes given their codeword lengths and minimum distances.
Uses Hamming, Singleton and Gilbert-Varshamov bounds.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Find angle between plane $\Pi_1$, given by three points, and the plane $\Pi_2$ given in Cartesian form.
The calculation of $cos(\alpha)$ at the end of Advice has fractionNumbers switched on and so the result is presented as a fraction, which can be misleading. Best if calculation is followed through without using fractionNumbers.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Approximating integral of a quadratic by Riemann sums . Includes an interactive graph in Advice showing the approximations given by the upper and lower sums and how they vary as we increase the number of intervals.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Approximating integral of a quadratic by Riemann sums . Will include an interactive graph in Advice showing the approximations given by the upper and lower sums and how they vary as we increase the number of intervals.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
$x_n=n^k t^n$ where $k$ is a positive integer and $t$ a real number with $0 < t<1$. Find the smallest integer $N$ such that $(m+1)^k t^{m+1} \leq m^k t^m$ for all $m \geq N$.