1443 results for "equation".
Question in How-tos
The student is asked to factorise a quadratic $x^2 + ax + b$. A custom marking script uses pattern matching to ensure that the student's answer is of the form $(x+a)(x+b)$, $(x+a)^2$, or $x(x+a)$.
To find the script, look in the Scripts tab of part a.
Question in Johnathan's workspaceApplying an aritmetic sequence to increasing numbers of houses over time, also noting how this can relate to the equation of a straight line and can be given in form y = mt + n.
Question in Johnathan's workspaceA graph is given with one intercept (negative) and a vertex (positive x and y) and from this students should be able to ascertain the axis of symmetry and equation (given that the leading coefficent of x is -1)
Exam (3 questions) in ENG1002 - Matlab Lab 4: Differentiation, Integration, Solving Differentiation equations
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For ENG1002 - Matlab Lab 4: Differentiation, Integration, Solving Differentiation equations.
For ENG1002 - Matlab Lab 4: Differentiation, Integration, Solving Differentiation equations.
For ENG1002 - Matlab Lab 4: Differentiation, Integration, Solving Differentiation equations.
Exam (6 questions) in Demos
Some questions demonstrating new features in Numbas v4.0: pattern-matching, inference of variable types in mathematical expression parts, and marking equations.
Question in DemosThe student is asked to identify the number of roots of a quadratic equation, and then to give the root or roots. There is a hint to calculate the discriminant, and then further hints with the formula for the discriminant and the decision to make based on its value.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Find the solution of a constant coefficient second order ordinary differential equation of the form $ay''+by=0$. Complex roots.
Question in Roberto's workspaceFourth fluid mechanics lab.
Exam (5 questions) in Julie's workspace
Matrix addition, multiplication. Finding inverse. Determinants. Systems of equations.
Question in Tiago's workspace
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Exam (4 questions) in Kariane's workspaceLog expressions and equations
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A quadratic is and a graph of it is given. A tangent is also sketched. The equation of the tangent line is asked for.
Question in Kieran's workspace
Solve 4 first order differential equations of two types:$\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{ax}{y},\;\;\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{by}{x},\;y(2)=1$ for all 4.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Linear program described in words. Student must write out constraints as equations in standard form, then identify the optimal solution in a finished simplex tableau.
Question in PV EnglishFormulate a recurrence relation (= difference equation) and solve this recurrence relation.
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$f(x)= ae^{-bt}+c$ is given and plotted. A few points are plotted on the curve. $x$-coordinates are provided for two of them and $y$-coordinate provided for third. Student is required to determine other coordinates.
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A quadratic is and a graph of it is given. A tangent is also sketch. The equation of the tangent line is asked for.
Question in Clare Differential Equations
Solve: $\displaystyle \frac{d^2y}{dx^2}+2a\frac{dy}{dx}+a^2y=0,\;y(0)=c$ and $y(1)=d$. (Equal roots example).
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A quadratic equation (equivalent to $(x+a)^2-b$) is given and sketched. Three equations are given that can be solved using the graph. There is a chance there will only be one solution.
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A few quadratic equations are given, to be solved by completing the square. The number of solutions is randomised.
Question in Ben's workspace
Solve the equation 5x - 8 = 32
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student is to re-arrange the equations $pV=nRT$ and $mgh = \frac{1}{2}mv^2$
Question in Archive
Solve 4 first order differential equations of two types:$\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{ax}{y},\;\;\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{by}{x},\;y(2)=1$ for all 4.
Question in Denis's workspace
Cramers Rule applied to 3 simultaneous equations
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A quadratic is and a graph of it is given. A tangent is also sketch. The equation of the tangent line is asked for.
Question in Maths supportSolving 1 linear and 1 quadratic simultaneous equations
Question in Gary's workspaceworking with equastions