1186 results for "line".
Question in Will's workspace
A random dataset given by a linear function with noise (gradient and y-intercept of the linear function are randomised as is distribution of x values).
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
Identifying gradient and $y$-intercept from $y=mx+b$.
Question in SIT316
GIve a random linear program and ask the students to convert it to canonical form.
Question in Core Foundation Maths
Solving linear equations
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Solving linear equations
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Basic solving of linear equations
Question in Core Foundation Maths
Straightforward solving linear equations question
Question in Core Foundation Maths
Factorising polynomials using the highest common factor
Question in Core Foundation Maths
Solving linear equations
Question in Core Foundation Maths
Basic solving of linear equations
Question in Core Foundation Maths
Solving linear equations.
Question in Core Foundation Maths
Basic solving of linear equations
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Straightforward solving linear equations question
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Straightforward solving linear equations question
Question in Prearrival
This question allows you to practice identifying the coordinates of points on graphs.
Question in Core Foundation Maths, Pre-arrival.
This question allows you to practice identifying the coordinates of points on graphs.
Question in Prearrival
Straightforward solving linear equations question.
Adapted from 'Simultaneous equations by substitution 2 with parts' by Joshua Boddy.
Question in Mekanikk
Brukes for testing av lineært akselerert referansesystem.
Question in Elena's workspace
Multiple choice question. Given a randomised polynomial select the possibe ways of writing the domain of the function.
Question in Elena's workspace
Students are supposed to use Excel (or similar) to find the answers (e.g., enter coordinates of two points then plot and add trendline).
Uses an embedded Geogebra graph of a line $y=mx+c$ with random coefficients set by NUMBAS.
Question in Foundation Maths
This uses an embedded Geogebra graph of a line $y=mx+c$ with random coefficients set by NUMBAS.
Question in SIT316
GIve a random linear program and ask the students to convert it to canonical form.
Question in Functions
Multiple choice question. Given a randomised polynomial select the possibe ways of writing the domain of the function.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Practicing skills required for sketching line graphs depicting the temperature of a mixture according to time. The question includes: a) choosing the accurate sketch from a list, and b) identifying the initial temperature of the mixture.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Practicing skills required for sketching line graphs depicting DNA melting temperature according to the percentage of GC content. The question includes: a) identifying the vertical intercept, b) choosing the accurate sketch from a list, and c) interpreting elements of the sketch in context.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Interpreting line graphs depicting the melting temperature of DNA depending on the percentage of GC content. Estimating the melting temperature given a GC percentage and vice versa.
Exam (20 questions) in Evi's workspace
A portfolio of NUMBAS questions created for first year Natural Sciences students. The questions cover the topics:
- Linear functions
- Quadratic functions
- Differentiation
- Integration
- Explonatial and logarithms
- Further differentiation
- Further Integration
- Trigonometric Functions
Question in MfEP Progress Quizzes
Student is given a rational function, h(x), with randomised coefficients, and a linear function, k(x), also with randomised coeffieients and asked to find:
- h(k(x)) or k(h(x)) (randomly selected) for a randomised value of x
- The domain of h(x) - multiple choice part
- A general expresion for k(h(x)) or h(k(x)) - opposite combination to first part.
Variables are constrained so that h(x) is not a degenerate form and that when evaluating h(x) denomiator is not 0.
Exam (40 questions) in Mark's workspace
A set of MCQ designed to help Level 2 Engineering students prepare/practice for the on-line GOLA test that is used to assess the C&G 2850, Level 2 Engineering, Unit 202: Engineering Principles.
Question in UWESbE - Written Assessments
2 bodies on an incline plane