376 results for "variables".
Question in How-tos
This question models an experiment: the student must collect some data and enter it at the start of the question, and the expected answers to subsequent parts are marked based on that data.
The student's values of the variables width, depth and height are stored once they move on from the first part.
Question in MfEP Progress Quizzes
A two part question. Students are first given the formula for the time for a ball to come to rest after being dropped on a block. Part a) asks the students to rearrange the formula to make e, the coefficient of restitution, the subject of the formula. Part b) gives students realistic values for variables in the formula and asks them to calculate the coefficient of restitution using the formula derived in part a).
Question in MfEP Progress Quizzes
This question is an application of a quadratic equation. Student is given dimensions of a rectangular area, and an area of pavers that are available. They are asked to calculate the width of a border that can be paved around the given rectangle (assuming border is the same width on all 4 sides). The equation for the area of the border is given in terms of the unknown border width. Students need to recognise that only one solution of the quadratic gives a physically possible solution.
The dimensions of the rectangle, available area of tiles and type of space are randomised. Numeric variables are constructed so that resulting quadratic equation has one positive and one negative root.
Question in MESH
Subtracting a decimal with 3 decimal places from a decimal with 2 or 3 decimal places. borrowing is necessary. This was modified from a subtraction question using integers with each number divided by 1000 so the variables have names referring to ones, tens, hundreds etc.
Question in How-tos
The student must solve a pair of simultaneous equations in $x$ and $y$.
The variables are generated backwards: first $x$ and $y$ are picked, then values for the coefficients of the equations are chosen satisfying those values.
Question in How-tos
This question shows how to use the question's JavaScript preamble to request data from an external source, and use that data in question variables.
Note that this means the question only works when the external source is available. Use this very carefully, and avoid it if you possibly can!
Question in How-tos
This question shows how explore mode can be used to loop through several versions of the same question. The variables for each version are stored in a list of "scenarios", and a counter works through that list each time the student moves on to the next part, labelled "try the next version of this question".
Question in HELM books
Give f(x)=ax^2+b a simple function input (like 6x-3) and evaluate. Constants and variables, and the function input are all randomised.
Question in How-tos
A custom marking algorithm picks out the names of the constants of integration that the student has used in their answer, and tries mapping them to every permutation of the constants used in the expected answer. The version that agrees the most with the expected answer is used for testing equivalence.
If the student uses fewer constants of integration, it still works (but they must be wrong), and if they use too many, it's still marked correct if the other variables have no impact on the result. For example, adding $+0t$ to an expression which otherwise doesn't use $t$ would have no impact.
Question in HELM books
Rearrange an equation for a variable e in k.1/(1-e) and then evaluate for e, given values for the variables.
Question in HELM books
Rearrange a linear formula au + bv + cw = d to make one of u,v,w the subject.
Question in HELM books
Rearrange a linear function in x and y to make y the subject. Line variables are randomised.
Question in HELM books
evaluate a function (4a)/(pi*b^2cd) given random values for a,b,c,d.
Question in HELM books
Simplify (a) a fully-factorised fraction with common factors, and (b) a fraction where the numerator is a product and the denominator a sum sharing the same variables (that cannot be simplified). The variables are randomised. Part of HELM book 1.4
Question in HELM books
Simplify an algebraic fraction that is fully factorised with common factors between the numerator and denominator, and one of the variables has a larger index on the denominator. Part of HELM Book 1.4
Question in Odds and Ends
Used for LANTITE preparation (Australia). NA = Number & Algebra strand. Students calculate the cost of the halogen globes given electricity cost, number of globes, number of years, replacement cost and lifespan of globes. Some of these variables are randomly selected. There are more than 10 different versions of this question.
Question in Odds and Ends
Used for LANTITE preparation (Australia). MG = Measurement & Geometry strand. Student must calculate distance swum in km given number of laps of 50m pool, days of week and weeks in term. These variables are randomly selected.
Question in Brendan's workspace
Solving first order differentials by separation of variables.
Question in Foundation Maths
Show one of several blocks of text depending on the value of a question variable.
As well as a simple check for the value of a variable, the condition to display a block of text can be a complex expression in any of the question variables - in this example, depending on the discriminant of the generated quadratic.
Question in HELM books
Given an expression in one or two variables, with two or three terms, collect like terms, if possible. Part of HELM Book 1.3
Question in HELM books
An order of operation question using +,-,* with signed integers, with up to 4 variables.
The questions are the exercises from Q3 of HELM Book 1.1.5
Question in Nasir Firoz's workspace
This exercise will help you rearrange some complex equations.
Question in Lógica y Cuantificadores
Crear una tabla de verdad para una expresión lógica de la forma :
\[[(a \ {op1}\ b) \ {op2}\ (c \ {op3}\ d)] \ {op4} [e\ {op5}\ f]]\]
donde cada una de $a, \; b, \; c, \; d, \; e, \; f $ puede ser una de las variables booleanas \[ p, \; q, \; \neg p, \; \neg q\] y cada uno de los operados $\ {op} $ puede ser uno de los operadores $ \lor, \; \land, \; \to $.
Por ejemplo: $ ((q \lor \neg p) \to (p \land \neg q)) \to (p \lor q) $ -
Question in Algebra Mat140
Crear una tabla de verdad para una expresión lógica de la forma:
$$(a \ {op1}\,\ b) \ {op2}\,\ (c \ {op3} \,\ d)$$
donde $a, \;b,\;c,\;d$ pueden variables booleanas $p,\;q,\;\neg p,\;\neg q$ y cada operador $\operatorname{op1},\;\operatorname{op2},\;\operatorname{op3}$ es uno de los conectivos $\lor,\;\land,\;\to$.
Por ejemplo: $(p \lor \neg q) \land(q \to \neg p)$.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Solving a differential equation of the form $\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{ax^n}{y}$ using separation of variables.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Solving a differential equation of the form $\frac{dy}{dx}=axy^2$ using separation of variables.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Solving a differential equation of the form $\frac{dy}{dx}=axy$ using separation of variables.
Question in How-tosThis question demonstrates how to use the \simplify command to create natural-looking randomised mathematical expressions.
Question in CHY1201 - SpectroscopyQuestion requires students to interchange units of Hz with MHz, GHz, THz. Question is not very efficient at present- frequencies spanning many orders of magnitude are generated by variables in a clumsy way. Could be improved by having frequency generated by a 10^((random(1000..4000)/1000) variable instead, for example.
Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
Subtracting a decimal with 3 decimal places from a decimal with 2 or 3 decimal places. borrowing is necessary. This was modified from a subtraction question using integers with each number divided by 1000 so the variables have names referring to ones, tens, hundreds etc.