48 results.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Differentiate ax+bcx+d.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Other method. Find p,q such that ax+bcx+d=p+qcx+d. Find the derivative of ax+bcx+d.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Differentiate f(x)=xm(ax+b)n.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Dividing a cubic polynomial by a linear polynomial. Find quotient and remainder.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
f(X) and g(X) are polynomials over Zn.
Find their greatest common divisor (GCD) and enter it as a monic polynomial.
Hence factorize f(X) into irreducible factors.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
f(X) and g(X) as polynomials over the rational numbers Q.
Find their greatest common divisor (GCD) and enter as a normalized polynomial.
Question in Transition to university
Apply the factor theorem to check which of a list of linear polynomials are factors of another polynomial.
Question in Transition to university
Given a factor of a cubic polynomial, factorise it fully by first dividing by the given factor, then factorising the remaining quadratic.
Finding the full factorisation of a polynomial, using the Factor Theorem and long division Ready to useQuestion in Transition to university
Use a given factor of a polynomial to find the full factorisation of the polynomial through long division.
Question in Transition to university
Find the remainder when dividing two polynomials, by algebraic long division.
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
Dividing a cubic polynomial by a linear polynomial. Find quotient and remainder.
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
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Question in Using Numbas
How to input x^2 and x*y.
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
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Question in Graphing and Polynomials
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Question in Graphing and Polynomials
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Question in Christian's workspace
Inputting algebraic expressions into Numbas.
Question in Bill's workspace
g:R→R,g(x)=axx2+b2. Find stationary points and local maxima, minima. Using limits, has g a global max, min?