109 results.
Question in DIAGNOSYS
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Question in DIAGNOSYS
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Question in DIAGNOSYS
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Question in DIAGNOSYS
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Question in DIAGNOSYS
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Question in DIAGNOSYS
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Question in Content created by Newcastle University
A weighted coin with given $P(H),\;P(T)$ is tossed 3 times. Let $X$ be the random variable which denotes the longest string of consecutive heads that occur during these tosses. Find the Probability Mass Function (PMF), expectation and variance of $X$.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Application of the Poisson distribution given expected number of events per interval.
Finding probabilities using the Poisson distribution.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given a probability mass function $P(X=i)$ with outcomes $i \in \{0,1,2,\ldots 8\}$, find the expectation $E$ and $P(X \gt E)$.
Question in Bill's workspace
The data is fitted by linear and quadratic regression. First, find a linear regression equation for the $n$ data points, $20 \le n \le 35$.
They then are shown that the quadratic regression is often a better fit as measured by SSE. Also users can experiment with fitting polynomials of higher degree.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Application of the binomial distribution given probabilities of success of an event.
Finding probabilities using the binomial distribution.
Question in Bill's workspace
Find a regression equation.
Now includes a graph of the regression line and another interactive graph gives users the opportunity to move the regression line around. Could be used for allowing users to experiment with what they think the line should be and see how this compares with the calculated line.
Also includes an updated SSE to see how the sum of the squares of the residuals varies with the regression line.
Question in Demos
Find a regression equation.
Now includes a graph of the regression line and another interactive graph gives users the opportunity to move the regression line around. Could be used for allowing users to experiment with what they think the line should be and see how this compares with the calculated line.
Also includes an updated SSE to see how the sum of the squares of the residuals varies with the regression line.
Question in Bill's workspace
Application of the binomial distribution given probabilities of success of an event.
Finding probabilities using the binomial distribution.
Question in Bill's workspace
Exercise using a given uniform distribution $X$, calculating the expectation and variance. Also finding $P(X \le a)$ for a given value $a$.
Question in Bill's workspace
Application of the Poisson distribution given expected number of events per interval.
Finding probabilities using the Poisson distribution.
Question in Bill's workspace
Given a random variable $X$ normally distributed as $\operatorname{N}(m,\sigma^2)$ find probabilities $P(X \gt a),\; a \gt m;\;\;P(X \lt b),\;b \lt m$.
Question in Bill's workspace
Question on the exponential distribution involving a time intervals and arrivals application, finding expectation and variance. Also finding the probability that a time interval between arrivals is less than a given period. All parameters and times randomised.
Question in Bill's workspace
Given sample data find mean, standard deviation, median, interquartile range.
Note that there are different versions of the upper and lower quartiles, so you may want to include your own versions - see the user defined functions in the question.
Question in Bill's workspace
Find a regression equation.
Question in Bill's workspace
Given vectors $\boldsymbol{A,\;B}$, find the angle between them.
Question in Bill's workspace
Given vectors $\boldsymbol{A}$ and $\boldsymbol{B}$, find their inner product.
Question in Bill's workspace
Determine if various combinations of vectors are defined or not.
Question in Bill's workspace
When are vectors $\boldsymbol{A,\;B}$ perpendicular?
Question in Julie's workspace
$X \sim \operatorname{Binomial}(n,p)$. Find $P(X=a)$, $P(X \leq b)$, $E[X],\;\operatorname{Var}(X)$.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given vectors $\boldsymbol{v,\;w}$, find the angle between them.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
When are vectors $\boldsymbol{v,\;w}$ orthogonal?
Part b) is not answered in Advice, the given solution is for a different question.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Determine if various combinations of vectors are defined or not.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given vectors $\boldsymbol{v}$ and $\boldsymbol{w}$, find their inner product.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Three 3 dim vectors, one with a parameter $\lambda$ in the third coordinate. Find value of $\lambda$ ensuring vectors coplanar. Scalar triple product.