593 results for "solve".
Question in Algebra
Solve $p - t < \text{or}> q$
Question in Bill's workspace
Solve $p - t < \text{or}> q$
Question in Julie's workspace
Solve for $x$: $\log_{a}(x+b)- \log_{a}(x+c)=d$
Question in Julie's workspace
Solve for $x$: $\displaystyle 2\log_{a}(x+b)- \log_{a}(x+c)=d$.
Make sure that your choice is a solution by substituting back into the equation.
Question in Sanka's workspace
Solve two simultaneous equations.
Question in Sanka's workspace
Solve a logarithmic expression for an unknown $x$
Question in Henrik Skov's workspace
Solving a system of three linear equations in 3 unknowns using Gauss Elimination in 4 stages. Solutions are all integral.
Question in Stephen's workspace
Equations which can be written in the form
\[\dfrac{\mathrm{d}y}{\mathrm{d}x} = f(x), \dfrac{\mathrm{d}y}{\mathrm{d}x} = f(y), \dfrac{\mathrm{d}y}{\mathrm{d}x} = f(x)f(y)\]
can all be solved by integration.
In each case it is possible to separate the $x$'s to one side of the equation and the $y$'s to the other
Solving such equations is therefore known as solution by separation of variables
Exam (1 question) in SDS
Solve a system of linear equations using Gaussian elimination.
Exam (1 question) in cormac's workspace
Solve a pair of linear equations by writing an equivalent matrix equation.
Exam (1 question) in Henrik Skov's workspace
Solve a pair of linear equations by writing an equivalent matrix equation.
Question in Calasworkshop
Solve a first order algebraic equation
Exam (1 question) in mathcentre
Solve a pair of linear equations by writing an equivalent matrix equation.
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
No description given
Exam (8 questions) in Maths Support Wiki
8 questions using logarithms. 7 questions use logarithms to solve equations.
Exam (4 questions) in Maths Support Wiki
4 questions on using partial fractions to solve indefinite integrals.
Question in Bill's workspace
Solve for $x$ and $y$: \[ \begin{eqnarray} a_1x+b_1y&=&c_1\\ a_2x+b_2y&=&c_2 \end{eqnarray} \]
The included video describes a more direct method of solving when, for example, one of the equations gives a variable directly in terms of the other variable.
Question in Bill's workspace
Putting a pair of linear equations into matrix notation and then solving by finding the inverse of the coefficient matrix.
Question in Perdita's workspace
Solve for $x$ and $y$: \[ \begin{eqnarray} a_1x+b_1y&=&c_1\\ a_2x+b_2y&=&c_2 \end{eqnarray} \]
The included video describes a more direct method of solving when, for example, one of the equations gives a variable directly in terms of the other variable.
Question in Katie's workspace
Putting a pair of linear equations into matrix notation and then solving by finding the inverse of the coefficient matrix.
Question in joshua's workspace
Solve for $x$ and $y$: \[ \begin{eqnarray} a_1x+b_1y&=&c_1\\ a_2x+b_2y&=&c_2 \end{eqnarray} \]
The included video describes a more direct method of solving when, for example, one of the equations gives a variable directly in terms of the other variable.
Question in Bill's workspace
Determine if the following describes a probability mass function.
$P(X=x) = \frac{ax+b}{c},\;\;x \in S=\{n_1,\;n_2,\;n_3,\;n_4\}\subset \mathbb{R}$.
Question in David's workspace
Solve for $x$ and $y$: \[ \begin{eqnarray} a_1x+b_1y&=&c_1\\ a_2x+b_2y&=&c_2 \end{eqnarray} \]
The included video describes a more direct method of solving when, for example, one of the equations gives a variable directly in terms of the other variable.