1213 results for "function".
Question in 1202find f(a) for a function defined in three intervals
Question in 1202find f(a) for a function defined in three intervals
Question in Johnathan's workspaceEvaluating y intercept and horizontal and vertical asymptote for a rational function.
Question in Johnathan's workspaceFinding asymptotes and using the y-intercept to find variables.
Question in Johnathan's workspaceFind Range, evaluate function and inverse from a graph.
Question in Johnathan's workspaceFinding parameters of a factorised quadratic based on x-intercepts at vertex. Function has one intercept at origin and one at a positive integer value. Constant multiplier is randomised and requires vertex in order to calculate.
Question in Johnathan's workspaceRearrange to give for y = mx + c, find gradient and realise that a parallel line has the same gradient (find x_intercept)
Question in Johnathan's workspaceFinding x and y intercapts and intersections of two graphs, one linear one exponential.
Question in Johnathan's workspaceSubstituting a (negative) value into a function involving a quqdratic and 1/x
Exam (16 questions) in MY QUESTIONS
No description given
Question in Lovkush's workspace
Questions which try to emphasise that f(x) does not mean f times x.
Question in Tiago's workspaceConceptual question, assess the form of potential functions.
Question in All questions
A function of the form (ax+b)/(x+c) is plotted. Student is asked to calculate the shaded area. Area is both above and below the x-axis.
Question in PV EnglishFrom a given utility function we calculate the corresponding demand functions for two products
Question in PV EnglishYou need to calculate elasticities of demand associated to a Stone-Geary utility function.
Question in Calculus
A question to test basic differentiation of functions, including powers of x, trig, log and exponential functions.
Question in How-tos
The function randexp, provided by an extension, generates a random string matching the given regular expression.
Question in How-tos
Update: you can now use the conditional visibility button to do this more easily - see the documentation.
If the statement or advice for your question differs greatly depending on a random variable (for instance, if you're picking from a selection of scenarios), you only want to show content for the relevant scenario.
This question shows one way of doing that.
Question in How-tos
This question is out of date: use the currency function instead.
Question in How-tos
Display a number like "1234" as "1,234".
This question is out of date: the formatnumber function can format numbers using several different notational styles.
Question in All questions
A quadratic function is given. The graph of the function is drawn with three coordinates on the graph, without any x or y ticks. The $x$ coordinate is given for a couple and $y$ coordinate given for the third, and coordinates are asked for.
Question in All questions
A graph of an (invertible) cubic is given. The question is to determine values of $f$ from graph.
Question in Archive
Find the inverse of a composite function by finding the inverses of two functions and then the composite of these; and by finding the composite of two functions then finding the inverse. The question then concludes by asking students to compare their two answers and verify they're equivalent.
Question in How-tos
The custom function
draws a rectangle with the given dimensions, along with some labels. -
Question in Blathnaid's workspace
Differentiate $ (a+bx) ^ {m} \sin(nx)$
Question in All questions
Function $f(x) = xe^{ax}$ is sketched and area shaded. Question is to determine the area under graph, exactly and (calculator) to 3 s.f. Area is above x-axis.
Question in Maths supportIntroducing function notation, including evaluating a function for a given input.
Question in Maths supportEvaluating and finding composite functions.
Exam (2 questions) in Priyanka's workspace
Find the first few terms of the Maclaurin and Taylor series of given functions.
Question in NC Math 3
Multiple choice question. Given a randomised polynomial select the possible ways of writing the domain of the function.