1218 results for "function".
Question in Blathnaid's workspace
Differentiate $ (a+bx) ^ {m} \sin(nx)$
Question in All questions
Function $f(x) = xe^{ax}$ is sketched and area shaded. Question is to determine the area under graph, exactly and (calculator) to 3 s.f. Area is above x-axis.
Question in Maths supportIntroducing function notation, including evaluating a function for a given input.
Question in Maths supportEvaluating and finding composite functions.
Exam (2 questions) in Priyanka's workspace
Find the first few terms of the Maclaurin and Taylor series of given functions.
Question in NC Math 3
Multiple choice question. Given a randomised polynomial select the possible ways of writing the domain of the function.
Question in MY QUESTIONS
Given a randomised log function select the possible ways of writing the domain of the function.
Question in MY QUESTIONS
Rearranging equations to change the subject
Question in MY QUESTIONS
Find the inverse of a composite function by finding the inverses of two functions and then the composite of these; and by finding the composite of two functions then finding the inverse. The question then concludes by asking students to compare their two answers and verify they're equivalent.
Question in MY QUESTIONS
A few simple functions are provided of the form ax, x+b and cx+d. Values of the functions, inverses and compositions are asked for. Most are numerical but the last few questions are algebraic.
Question in MY QUESTIONS
Given a randomised square root function select the possible ways of writing the domain of the function.
Question in MY QUESTIONS
Given a randomised rational function select the possible ways of writing the domain of the function.
Question in MY QUESTIONS
Multiple choice question. Given a randomised polynomial select the possibe ways of writing the domain of the function.
Question in MY QUESTIONS
A graphical introduction to the concept of even functions a symmery
Question in MY QUESTIONS
A graphical introduction to the concept of even functions a symmery
Question in All questions
Graphs are given with areas underneath them shaded. The area of the shaded regions are given and from this the value of various integrals are to be deduced.
Question in Kevin's workspace
More work on differentiation with trigonometric functions
Question in Fundamentals of Mathematics
A few simple functions are provided of the form ax, x+b and cx+d. Values of the functions, inverses and compositions are asked for. Most are numerical but the last few questions are algebraic.
Question in Anna's workspace
Calculate the local extrema of a function ${f(x) = e^{x/C1}(C2sin(x)-C3cos(x))}$
The graph of f(x) has to be identified.
The first derivative of f(x) has to be calculated.
The min max points have to be identified using the graph and/or calculated using the first derivative method. Requires solving trigonometric equation
Question in Wiskunde voor bedrijfswetenschappen ACalculate the competitive price as the minimum of the average cost, given a production function in one variable for a situation of perfect competition.
Question in How-tos
Just showing how to use the stdev function from the stats extension to calculate the standard deviation of a list of numbers.
Question in How-tos
A function which renders the factorisation of a number in LaTeX.
Question in How-tos
This question asks the student to give a function with a particular root. It then asks them to divide by (x-{root}), and uses adaptive marking to mark against the previous answer.
This uses the "expression" data type, which is currently undocumented and experimental.
Question in How-tos
A randomly generated list of numbers is shown to the student. They must tick every occurrence of the lowest number. The number of occurrences isn't always the same - sometimes the minimum is unique and sometimes it is repeated. The
function makes it easy to construct a marking matrix. -
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Calculation of the length and alternative form of the parameteric representation of a curve, involving trigonometric functions.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Find the coordinates of the stationary point for $f: D \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$: $f(x,y) = a + be^{-(x-c)^2-(y-d)^2}$, $D$ is a disk centre $(c,d)$.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Find the stationary points of the function: $f(x,y)=a x ^ 3 + b x ^ 2 y + c y ^ 2 x + dy$ by choosing from a list of points.
Inputting the values given into the partial derivatives to see if 0 is obtained is tedious! Could ask for the factorisation of equation 1 as the solution uses this. However there is a problem in asking for the input of the stationary points - order of input and also giving that there is two stationary points.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
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Question in Content created by Newcastle University
No description given
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
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