761 results for "fraction".
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
Using indices rules to rewrite an expression from $a^\frac{m}{n}$ to $b$, for integers $a$, $b$, $m$ and $n$.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
Calculate an answer involving a fractional index.
Question in Martin's workspace
No description given
Question in MESH
NC NA Non-calculator and Number and Algebra strand. This number assesses students' ability to add and subtract very simple fractions. Students need two add two fractions (possibly mixed numbers) involving quarters and/or halves, then subtract their answer from a whole number. The answer must be entered in simplest form and will always be less than one.
Question in MESH
Convert between improper fractions and mixed numerals
Question in MESH
Several problems involving dividing fractions, with increasingly difficult examples, including mixed numbers and complex fractions.
Question in MESH
This question tests the student's ability to identify equivalent fractions through spotting a fraction which is not equivalent amongst a list of otherwise equivalent fractions. It also tests the students ability to convert mixed numbers into their equivalent improper fractions. It then does the reverse and tests their ability to convert an improper fraction into an equivalent mixed number.
Question in MESH
Several problems involving dividing fractions, with increasingly difficult examples, including mixed numbers and complex fractions.
Question in MESH
Basics, percentage of an amount, converting to fractions and decimals.
Question in MESH
Add, subtract, multiply and divide numerical fractions.
Question in MESH
No description given
Question in MESH
No description given
Merryn's copy of Fractions: adding and subtracting, numerical, already with common denominator Ready to useQuestion in MESH
Fractions already have a common denominator. Addition and subtraction 50:50 split, when subtracting, the answer is negative half the time. Students shouldn't have to worry about reducing fractions by design.
Question in MESH
Fractions don't have a common denominator. Need to find one. Addition and subtraction 50:50 split.
Merryn's copy of Fractions/division and multiplication, different ways of presenting the same thing (non-algebraic) Ready to useQuestion in MESH
Students seem to not realise that $\frac{a}{b}\times c=c\times\frac{a}{b}=\frac{a\times c}{b}=\frac{c\times a}{b}=a\times c \div b=a\div b\times c=c\div b \times a \ne c \div (b\times a)\ldots $ etc. This question is my attempt to help rectify this.
Question in MESH
Divisor is double digit. There is a remainder which we express as a fraction.
Question in MESH
Divisor is single digit. There is a remainder which we express as a fraction.
Question in How-tos
A random proper fraction $a/b$ with denominator in the range 2 to 30 is picked, and the student must write $\frac{a}{b} \pi$.
The point of this question is to demonstrate that the correct answer is shown as a multiple of $\pi$ rather than a decimal.
Question in HELM books
Choice of 2 formulae. The first is a fraction of the form y=(r+x)(1-rx). The second is of the form y=sqrt[(1-x)/(1+x) ]. Rearrange to make x the subject.
Question in HELM books
Rearrange a complex formula involving squares, square roots, fractions and additions. This is a fixed question with no randomisation.
Question in HELM books
Add two algebraic fractions with coprime denominators. Part of HELM Book 1.4.3.
Exam (7 questions) in HELM books
HELM Book 1.4.3 Exercises: addition and subtraction of algebraic fractions
Question in HELM books
There are two parts:
(3x)/4-x/5+x/3 and (3x/4)-(x/5+x/3).
The numbers are randomised to small, coprime, positive integers.
Question in HELM books
This is a fixed, unmarked, question:
Show that (x1)/((1/x3)-(1/x2))) = (x1x2x3)/(x2-x3)
Question in HELM books
Given 2 or 3 fractions such as A/(2x+5), add them.
There are 5 possible versions.
Question in HELM books
Add (a/b).x +/- (c/d) where a,b,c,d are randomised positive integers, and x is a randomised letter.
Question in HELM books
Simplify (qx+a)/(rx+b) +/- (sx+c)/(rx+b)^2
x is a randomised variable. a,b,c,d,q,r are randomised integers.
Question in HELM books
Simplify (qx+a)/(rx+b) +/- (sx+c)/(tx+d)
x is a randomised variable. a,b,c,d,q,r,s,t are randomised integers. a,b,c,d run from -5 to 5, including 0. q,r,s,t run from -3 to 3, and can be 0 if the constant term is nonzero, but are mostly 1.
Question in HELM books
Simplify ax/b +/- cx/d, where x is a randomised variable, and a,b,c,d are randomised integers.
Question in HELM books
Add two algebraic fractions. Part of HELM Book 1.4.3.