395 results for "table".
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Calculating the integral of a function of the form $\frac{a}{bx}$ using a table of integrals.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Calculating the integral of a function of the form $a \cos(bx)$ using a table of integrals.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Integrating an exponential function of the form $ae^{bx}$ using a table of integrals / anti-derivatives.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Calculating the integral of a function of the form $a_1x^{b_1}+a_2x^{b_2}+a_3x^{b_3}$ using a table of integrals.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Calculating the integral of a function of the form $ax^b$ using a table of integrals.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Find the derivative of a function of the form $y=a \tan(bx+c)$ using a table of derivatives.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Find the derivative of a function of the form $y=a \cos(bx+c)$ using a table of derivatives.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Find the derivative of a function of the form $y=a \sin(bx+c)$ using a table of derivatives.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Calculating the derivative of an exponential function of the form $ae^{bx}$, using a table of derivatives.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Calculating the derivative of a function of the form $a \ln(bx)$ using a table of derivatives.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Find the derivative of a function of the form $y=a_1x^{b_1}+a_2x^{b_2}+a_3x^{b_3}$ using a table of derivatives.
Question in Algebra Mat140
Create a truth table for a logical expression of the form $a \operatorname{op} b$ where $a, \;b$ can be the Boolean variables $p,\;q,\;\neg p,\;\neg q$ and $\operatorname{op}$ one of $\lor,\;\land,\;\to$.
For example $\neg q \to \neg p$.
Question in Yvonne's workspace
No description given
Question in Mash's workspace
This question tests the ability to read and interpret numerical data summarised in a table and make predictions based on algebraic skills.
Question in T's workspace
Create a truth table for a logical expression of the form $a \operatorname{op} b$ where $a, \;b$ can be the Boolean variables $p,\;q,\;\neg p,\;\neg q$ and $\operatorname{op}$ one of $\lor,\;\land,\;\to$.
Exam (12 questions) in Aoife's workspace
Basic descriptive statistics - measures of centre and spread, from a list of data and frequency tables.
Question in Ed questions to share
Used for LANTITE preparation (Australia). NA = Number & Algebra strand. Students need to read the speed of the given object from the table, then convert from m/s to km/h. There are 7 objects, and hence 7 different possible questions.
Question in Ed questions to share
Used for LANTITE preparation (Australia). NA = Number & Algebra strand. Students are given a height (in cm) and weight (kg), then need to calculate the BMI given the formula (first converting height to m), then determine the weight range from the table. Weight and height are randomised.
Question in NC Math 4
No description given
Question in Louise's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph plot shows the curve going through the entered values.
Question in Louise's workspace
Create a truth table for a logical expression of the form $((a \operatorname{op1} b) \operatorname{op2}(c \operatorname{op3} d))\operatorname{op4}(e \operatorname{op5} f) $ where each of $a, \;b,\;c,\;d,\;e,\;f$ can be one the Boolean variables $p,\;q,\;\neg p,\;\neg q$ and each of $\operatorname{op1},\;\operatorname{op2},\;\operatorname{op3},\;\operatorname{op4},\;\operatorname{op5}$ one of $\lor,\;\land,\;\to$.
For example: $((q \lor \neg p) \to (p \land \neg q)) \to (p \lor q)$
Question in Louise's workspace
Fill in a table of powers of 10.
Question in MESH
Read a value from a table. There are 36 possible questions.
Question in Jonathan's workspace
No description given
Question in Marie's Logic workspace
Create a truth table for a logical expression of the form $((a \operatorname{op1} b) \operatorname{op2}(c \operatorname{op3} d))\operatorname{op4}e $ where each of $a, \;b,\;c,\;d,\;e$ can be one the Boolean variables $p,\;q,\;\neg p,\;\neg q$ and each of $\operatorname{op1},\;\operatorname{op2},\;\operatorname{op3},\;\operatorname{op4}$ one of $\lor,\;\land,\;\to$.
For example: $((q \lor \neg p) \to (p \land \neg q)) \lor \neg q$
Exam (1 question) in .General Maths, Science or Engineering
A simple "Complete the Table" exercise to reinfore prefixes (giga, micro etc) and engineering notation ($\times10^3$ etc).
Question in .Statistics
Given a table of data, calculate the mean, mode and median, and complete a frequency table.
Question in .Statistics
Scores in 20 games and frequency given -- calculate mean.
Question in .Statistics
This question assesses the students ability to find the expected number of times an event occurs given the probability of the event occurring for a single trial and the total number of trials.
Question in .Statistics
Given a table of data, calculate the mean, mode and median, and complete a frequency table.