88 results.
Question in How-tos
Use the numbro.js extension to format numbers and currencies.
Question in How-tos
Update: you can now use the conditional visibility button to do this more easily - see the documentation.
If the statement or advice for your question differs greatly depending on a random variable (for instance, if you're picking from a selection of scenarios), you only want to show content for the relevant scenario.
This question shows one way of doing that.
Question in How-tos
Display a number like "1234" as "1,234".
This question is out of date: the formatnumber function can format numbers using several different notational styles.
Question in Christian's workspace
Write down the Newton-Raphson formula for finding a numerical solution to the equation $e^{mx}+bx-a=0$. If $x_0=1$ find $x_1$.
Included in the Advice of this question are:
6 iterations of the method.
Graph of the NR process using jsxgraph. Also user interaction allowing change of starting value and its effect on the process.
Exam (1 question) in Ruben's workspace
No description given
Question in Demos
No description given
A randomised line in a GeoGebra worksheet - construct the definition of the line manually Should not be usedQuestion in How-tos
Construct a line in a GeoGebra worksheet by writing its definition string by hand.
This isn't a very neat way of doing this. It's easier to define two points in GeoGebra, then make a line through those points. You can set the positions of the points from Numbas using vectors.
Question in Transition to university
This question tests the student's ability to identify equivalent fractions through spotting a fraction which is not equivalent amongst a list of otherwise equivalent fractions. It also tests the students ability to convert mixed numbers into their equivalent improper fractions. It then does the reverse and tests their ability to convert an improper fraction into an equivalent mixed number.
Question in Transition to university
This question tests the students ability to factorise simple quadratic equations (where the coefficient of the x^2 term is 1) and use the factorised equation to solve the equation when it is equal to 0.
Question in Transition to university
Students are asked to estimate values in possible real-life scenarios.
Question in Transition to university
This question assesses the students understanding of what it means for two events to be independent or dependent. Specifically, if two events are independent then the outcomes of one event do not affect the outcomes of the other event.
Question in Transition to university
Basic probability skills involving coins, dice and other events with equally likely outcomes.
Question in Linear-and-Discrete-1920A first test question, for evaluating suitability of the software. Tests definition of linearity. ***Not suitable for use***
Exam (1 question) in Linear-and-Discrete-1920Blah
Question in bhadresh's workspace
No description given
Question in Hilary's workspace
Uses JSXGraph to generate a plot for a cubic, with given critical points, along with three other incorrect graphs with modified properties. JSXGraph code is commented.
Question in Misc
Display a fraction, given as a numerator and a denominator, as a mixed fraction when appropriate.
Question in Misc
Solving arithmetic progressions using simultaneous equations
Question in Nazim's workspace
No description given
Question in BS11001 questions
Differentiate $\displaystyle \ln((ax+b)^{m})$
Question in BS11001 questions
No description given
Question in Matthew James's workspace
Load data on some items held in the Cooper Hewitt collection, and show a table of 5 randomly picked items.
Question in Year 1 diagnostics
No description given
Question in Year 1 diagnostics
No description given
Question in Christian's workspace
See github issue https://github.com/numbas/editor/issues/147
Exam (4 questions) in MfB - Percentages Practice
This activity has a variety of percentage questions all designed to be done without a calculator.
Q1 is useful for MfB
Q2 is useful for MfB - wording to look at?
Q3 I don't understand this Q should be removed or re-worded
Q4 good questions but too many, make them more business like
Question in Christian's workspace
Find a regression equation.
Now includes a graph of the regression line and another interactive graph gives users the opportunity to move the regression line around. Could be used for allowing users to experiment with what they think the line should be and see how this compares with the calculated line.
Question in Christian's workspace
The question created during the "Write your first question" tutorial.