1589 results for "with".
Question in College Algebra for STEM
Factorise three quadratic equations of the form $x^2+bx+c$.
The first has two negative roots, the second has one negative and one positive, and the third is the difference of two squares.
Question in Statistics
Introduction to counting with permutations and combinations
Question in Statistics
Simple counting exercise, with combinations
Question in Xiaodan's workspace
Simple counting exercise, with combinations
Exam (13 questions) in Anna's workspace
Differentiation of polynomials, cos, sin, exp, log functions. Product, quotient and chain rules.
Missing: Application with bacteria, turning points, difficult chain rule
Question in Anna's workspace
A question to practice simplifying fractions with the use of factorisation (for binomial and quadratic expressions).
Exam (9 questions) in NUMBAS workshop demothis is a collection of NUMBAS questions taken straight from the NUMBAS database with no editing.
Question in Josh's workspace
This uses an embedded Geogebra graph of a sine curve $y=a\sin (bx+c)+d$ with random coefficients set by NUMBAS.
Question in NUMBAS workshop demo
Simple ratio question with custom marking and partial credit possible
Question in NUMBAS workshop demo
A random heating question, that randomly picks a material, and then heats it through either one or two phase changes, provides an example graph of the heating with scaled temperature ranges (though not with scaled latent and specific heats), and a table with the suitable constants.
Question in NUMBAS workshop demo
Calculate the efficiency and heat from the hot reservoir in a Carnot Cycle (with carnot diagram)
Question in NUMBAS workshop demo
A random heating question, that randomly picks a material, and then heats it through either one or two phase changes, provides an example graph of the heating with scaled temperature ranges (though not with scaled latent and specific heats), and a table with the suitable constants.
Question in NUMBAS workshop demo
A block of given mass is sliding down the plane with a given acceration. Find the normal reaction force, the parallel force and the missing value of a and mu.
Question in ACFI1003Financial maths. To be used with the question on opportunity cost.
Question in ACFI1003Find the present value of a share which returns a constant growth dividend.
Question in Tom's workspace
This uses an embedded Geogebra graph of a sine curve $y=a\sin (bx+c)+d$ with random coefficients set by NUMBAS.
Question in Ann's workspace
The custom function
draws a rectangle with the given dimensions, along with some labels. -
Question in Christian's workspace
The student must perform an indefinite integration, and include a constant of integration.
A custom marking algorithm identifies the name of the student's constant of integration, and replaces it with 'c' before comparing with the expected answer.
If the student enters something like '2c' instead of 'c', it'll be marked wrong, which is an error in the marking.
Question in Kwame D's workspace
Finding surface area and volume, given formulae.
Question in Kwame D's workspace
Work out the volume of a prism with a trapezium cross-section.
Question in Ben's workspace
This question is out of date: use the currency function instead.
Question in Maths support
Let $P_n$ denote the vector space over the reals of polynomials $p(x)$ of degree $n$ with coefficients in the real numbers.
Let the linear map $\phi: P_4 \rightarrow P_4$ be defined by:
$\phi(p(x))=ap(x) + (bx + c)p'(x) + (x ^ 2 + dx + f)p''(x)$
Using the standard basis for range and domain find the matrix given by $\phi$.
Question in Maths support
Let $P_n$ denote the vector space over the reals of polynomials $p(x)$ of degree $n$ with coefficients in the real numbers. Let the linear map $\phi: P_4 \rightarrow P_4$ be defined by: \[\phi(p(x))=p(a)+p(bx+c).\]Using the standard basis for range and domain find the matrix given by $\phi$.
Simon's copy of Pigeonhole principle - greatest number of people with birthdays in the same month, DraftQuestion in Maths support
No description given
Question in John's workspace
Work out the volume of a prism with a trapezium cross-section.
Question in Maths support
No description given
Question in Maths support
Rationalise the denominator with increasingly difficult examples involving compound denominators.
Question in Simon's workspace
Given two sets of data, sample mean and sample standard deviation, on performance on the same task, make a decision as to whether or not the mean times differ. Population variance not given, so the t test has to be used in conjunction with the pooled sample standard deviation.
Link to use of t tables and p-values in Show steps.
Question in Stats
Provided with information on a sample with sample mean and standard deviation, but no information on the population variance, use the t test to either accept or reject a given null hypothesis.
Exam (12 questions) in Kevin's workspace
Differentiation of polynomials, cos, sin, exp, log functions. Product, quotient and chain rules.
Missing: Application with bacteria, turning points, difficult chain rule