1586 results for "with".
Question in George's workspace
Applied questions that could be done with modulo arithmetic.
Credits to : Ben Brown.
used under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Question in George's workspace
Given sequences with missing terms, find the common difference between terms.
Question in Patrick's workspace
A graphical approach to aiding students in writing down a formal proof of discontinuity of a function at a given point.
Uses JSXgraph to sketch the graphs and involves some interaction/experimentation by students in finding appropriate intervals.
Question in Wan's workspace
Working with BODMAS
Exam (4 questions) in Inbbavathie's workspace
Quiz covering basic arithmetic with complex numbers, solving a quadratic with complex solutions and converting to/from polar and rectangular forms.
Exam (4 questions) in Inbbavathie's workspace
Quiz covering basic arithmetic with complex numbers, solving a quadratic with complex solutions and converting to/from polar and rectangular forms.
Question in Numbas Lærerutdanningen 8 - 13
Working with powers
Question in George's workspace
Two double integrals with numerical limits
Question in MATH00010
This question tests a student's ability to subtract a fraction from another one with the same denominator.
Question in MATH00010
This question tests a student's ability to subtract one fraction from another with the same denominator. There is at least one negative numerator.
Question in MATH00010
This question tests a student's ability to add two fractions with the same denominator. There is at least one negative numerator.
Question in MATH00010
This question tests a student's ability to add two fractions with different denominators (at least one of them is negative).
Question in MATH00010
This question tests a student's ability to add two fractions with different denominators.
Question in MATH00010
This question tests a student's ability to subtract one fraction from another with different denominators.
Question in MATH00010
This question tests a student's ability subtract one fraction from another with different denominators (at least one of them is negative).
Question in Harry's workspace
This is a set of questions designed to help you practice adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions.
All of these can be done without a calculator.
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
This is a set of questions designed to help you praction adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions.
All of these can be done without a calculator
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
This question asks you to work out one value as a percentage of another. You are expected to do these without the help of a calculator.
Exam (4 questions) in MfB - Percentages Practice
This activity has a variety of percentage questions all designed to be done without a calculator.
Q1 is useful for MfB
Q2 is useful for MfB - wording to look at?
Q3 I don't understand this Q should be removed or re-worded
Q4 good questions but too many, make them more business like
Question in post-algebra Arithmetic and Numeracy
Applied questions that could be done with modulo arithmetic.
Question in post-algebra Arithmetic and Numeracy
Applied questions that could be done with modulo arithmetic.
Question in post-algebra Arithmetic and Numeracy
Applied questions that could be done with modulo arithmetic.
Question in post-algebra Arithmetic and Numeracy
Applied questions that could be done with modulo arithmetic.
Question in post-algebra Arithmetic and Numeracy
Applied questions that could be done with modulo arithmetic.
Question in post-algebra Arithmetic and Numeracy
Applied questions that could be done with modulo arithmetic.
Question in post-algebra Arithmetic and Numeracy
Applied questions that could be done with modulo arithmetic.
Question in Harry's workspace
This is a set of questions designed to help you practice adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions.
All of these can be done without a calculator.
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
Graphing $y=a\log_{b}(\pm x+d)+c$
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
The easiest type of exponential to graph where the base is greater than 1 and no transformations take place.
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
Graphing $y=a\log_{b}(x)+c$