1586 results for "with".
Question in Johan's workspace
A sneak peek at a really clever integration of GeoGebra with Numbas.
Exam (4 questions) in Johan's workspace
This activity has a variety of percentage questions all designed to be done without a calculator.
Q1 is useful for MfB
Q2 is useful for MfB - wording to look at?
Q3 I don't understand this Q, should be removed or re-worded
Q4 good questions but too many, make them more business like
Question in Kelsie's workspace
An example of using the GeoGebra extension to ask the student to create a geometric construction, with marking and steps.
Question in Christian's workspace
Find a regression equation.
Now includes a graph of the regression line and another interactive graph gives users the opportunity to move the regression line around. Could be used for allowing users to experiment with what they think the line should be and see how this compares with the calculated line.
Question in Quadratic Questions
Testing factorisation of quadratics.
Question in Christian's workspace
Some impossible-looking questions about quadratic equations which can be solved with a bit of thinking.
Question in Vicky's workspace
Two ordered data sets, each with 10 numbers. Find the sample standard deviation for each and for their sum.
Question in MATH1154
Given a graph of some function $f(x)$ (a cubic), the student is asked to write the coordinates of the maximum and minimum points. The student then finds the maximum and minimum points of a second cubic function without using a graph, by finding the derivative, solving the quadratic equation that results from setting the derivative equal to zero, and finally testing the value of the second derivative.
Exam (5 questions) in Chris's workspace
A test of basic concepts to do with SI units and concentrations of solutions.
Question in Hollie's workspace
An example of using the GeoGebra extension to ask the student to create a geometric construction, with marking and steps.
Question in Christian's workspace
A random heating question, that randomly picks a material, and then heats it through either one or two phase changes, provides an example graph of the heating with scaled temperature ranges (though not with scaled latent and specific heats), and a table with the suitable constants.
Question in Mathematics for Geosciences
Perform basic operations with 2x2 matrices - addition, subtraction, multiplication by scalar, matrix multiplication, determinant, transpose
Question in LeicesterPhysPractice
Given a probability mass function $P(X=i)$ with outcomes $i \in \{0,1,2,\ldots 8\}$, find the expectation $E$ and $P(X \gt E)$.
Question in LeicesterPhysPractice
Determine if the following describes a probability mass function.
$P(X=x) = \frac{ax+b}{c},\;\;x \in S=\{n_1,\;n_2,\;n_3,\;n_4\}\subset \mathbb{R}$.
Question in Harry's workspace
There are copious comments in the definition of the function eqnline about the voodoo needed to have a JSXGraph diagram interact with the input box for a part.
Question in MatRIC TV Croft
A line with random $x$- and $y$- intercepts is plotted, and you have to drag two dots over the points where the line crosses the $x$ and $y$ axes.
Question in Julie's workspace
Scores in 20 games and frequency given -- calculate mean.
Question in Julie's workspace
Scores in 20 games and frequency given -- calculate mean.
Question in Julie's workspace
Scores in 20 games and frequency given -- calculate mean.
Question in Julie's workspace
Scores in 20 games and frequency given -- calculate mean.
Question in Julie's workspace
Scores in 20 games and frequency given -- calculate mean.
Question in cormac's workspace
A basic introduction to differentiation
Question in cormac's workspace
Real life problems with differentiation
Question in Blathnaid's workspace
Real life problems with differentiation
Question in Nigel's workspace
A basic introduction to differentiation
Question in Nigel's workspace
Two ordered data sets, each with 10 numbers. Find the sample standard deviation for each and for their sum.
Question in Nigel's workspace
An experiment is performed twice, each with $5$ outcomes
$x_i,\;y_i,\;i=1,\dots 5$ . Find mean and s.d. of their differences $y_i-x_i,\;i=1,\dots 5$.
Question in Nigel's workspace
An experiment is performed twice, each with $5$ outcomes
$x_i,\;y_i,\;i=1,\dots 5$ . Find mean and s.d. of their differences $y_i-x_i,\;i=1,\dots 5$.
Question in cormac's workspace
Finding the stationary points of a cubic with two turning points
Question in Sharon's workspace
This is a set of questions designed to help you practice adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions.
All of these can be done without a calculator.