716 results for "point".
Question in Gareth's workspace
Implicit differentiation.
Given $x^2+y^2+dxy +ax+by=c$ find $\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx}$ in terms of $x$ and $y$.
Also find two points on the curve where $x=0$ and find the equation of the tangent at those points.
Question in Ugur's workspace
Students are given an exponential equation and asked to evaluate it at two points.
The constants in the exponential are randomised.
Exam (12 questions) in .Differential Calculus
Differentiation of polynomials, cos, sin, exp, log functions. Product, quotient and chain rules.
Missing: Application with bacteria, turning points, difficult chain rule
Question in .Differential CalculusInstructional "drill" exercise to emphasize the method.
Question in Vicky's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph (the graph paper) plot shows the curve going through the entered values. The student input is now disconnected from the graph so that they slide the points usually after they input the values and the answer fields are not updated.
Question in MST00050
Horizontal and vertical shifts and scales of a random cubic spline
Question in Christian's workspace
The student is shown a diagram with a line between two points. They must make the line cross the axes at $x=1$ and $y=2$. They can drag the points around, or type a gradient in to move the points accordingly.
Question in Demos
The student is shown a Cartesian diagram containing a point $P$ and a circle. They must move the point and change its radius so that the point $P$ is touching the circle.
They can type the radius and coordinates in, or move the circle around on the diagram.
Question in Demos
The student is shown a diagram containing a single point at the origin. They must move the point to the given integer coordinates.
Question in Demos
The student is shown a diagram containing a line between two points. They're given a gradient and $y$-intercept.
They must manipulate the line or the points so that the line has the given gradient and $y$-intercept.
The student is shown a diagram containing a single point at the origin. They must move the point to the given integer coordinates.
The student is shown a diagram containing a line between two points. They're given a gradient and $y$-intercept.
They must manipulate the line or the points so that the line has the given gradient and $y$-intercept.
Question in 0 Calculo derivadas
Implicit differentiation.
Given $x^2+y^2+dxy +ax+by=c$ find $\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx}$ in terms of $x$ and $y$.
Also find two points on the curve where $x=0$ and find the equation of the tangent at those points.
Question in 0 Calculo derivadas
Using differentiation to find the tangent and normal to a line at a given point
Question in 0 Calculo derivadas
Finding the stationary points of a cubic with two turning points
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
In this demo question, you can see either 2 or 3 gaps depending on the variable \(m\), and the marking algorithm doesn't penalise for the empty third gap in cases when it is not shown.
Reason to use it: for vectors or matrices containing only numbers, one can easily use matrix entry to account for a random size of an answer. But this does not work for mathematical expressions. There we have to give each entry of the vector as a separate gap, which then becomes a problem when the size varies. This solves that problem. For this reason I've included two parts: one very simple one that just shows the phenomenon of variable number of gaps, and one which is more like why I needed it.
Note that to resolve the fact that when \(m=2\), the point for the third gap cannot be earned, I have made it so that the student only gets 0 or all points, when all shown gaps are correctly filled in.
Note the use of Ax[m-1] in the third gap "correct answer" of part b): if you use Ax[2], then it will throw an error when m=2, as then Ax won't have the correct size. So even though the marking algorithm will ignore it, the question would still not work.
Bonus demo if you look in the variables: A way to automatically generate the correct latex code for \(\var{latexAx}\), since it's a variable size. I would usually need that in the "Advice", i.e. solutions, rather than the question text.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
In this demo question, you can see either 2 or 3 gaps depending on the variable \(m\), and the marking algorithm doesn't penalise for the empty third gap in cases when it is not shown.
Reason to use it: for vectors or matrices containing only numbers, one can easily use matrix entry to account for a random size of an answer. But this does not work for mathematical expressions. There we have to give each entry of the vector as a separate gap, which then becomes a problem when the size varies. This solves that problem. For this reason I've included two parts: one very simple one that just shows the phenomenon of variable number of gaps, and one which is more like why I needed it.
Note that to resolve the fact that when \(m=2\), the point for the third gap cannot be earned, I have made it so that the student only gets 0 or all points, when all shown gaps are correctly filled in.
Note the use of Ax[m-1] in the third gap "correct answer" of part b): if you use Ax[2], then it will throw an error when m=2, as then Ax won't have the correct size. So even though the marking algorithm will ignore it, the question would still not work.
Bonus demo if you look in the variables: A way to automatically generate the correct latex code for \(\var{latexAx}\), since it's a variable size. I would usually need that in the "Advice", i.e. solutions, rather than the question text.
Question in MST00050
This question asks a student to draw a straight line graph by dragging points.
Question in MST00050
This question asks a student to draw a straight line graph by dragging points.
Question in MST00050
This question asks a student to draw a straight line graph by dragging points.
Question in MST00050
This question asks a student to draw a straight line graph by dragging points.
Question in MST00050
This question asks a student to draw a straight line graph by dragging points.
Question in MST00050
This question asks a student to draw a straight line graph by dragging points.
Question in MST00050
Horizontal and vertical shifts and scales of a random cubic spline
Question in MST00050
Horizontal and vertical shifts and scales of a random cubic spline
Question in MST00050
Horizontal and vertical shifts and scales of a random cubic spline
Question in MST00050
Horizontal and vertical shifts and scales of a random cubic spline
Question in MST00050
Horizontal and vertical shifts and scales of a random cubic spline
Question in MST00050
Horizontal and vertical shifts and scales of a random cubic spline
Question in MST00050
Horizontal and vertical shifts and scales of a random cubic spline