593 results for "solve".
Question in Intro Maths
solve trig equation that requires use of s^s+c^2=1. with worked solutions.
Question in Intro Maths
solve trig equation involving sin2x=2sinxcosx in a given interval
Question in Intro Maths
solve trig equation involving a translation in given internval. with worked solutions
Question in Intro Maths
Solve trig equation in a given internval with stretch and worked solutions
Question in Ugur's workspace
Solve for $x$: $\displaystyle ax ^ 2 + bx + c=0$.
Entering the correct roots in any order is marked as correct. However, entering one correct and the other incorrect gives feedback stating that both are incorrect.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
Matrix multiplication. Contains a function that will let you print the calculation steps of matrix multiplication, e.g. in the Advice.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
In this demo question, you can see either 2 or 3 gaps depending on the variable \(m\), and the marking algorithm doesn't penalise for the empty third gap in cases when it is not shown.
Reason to use it: for vectors or matrices containing only numbers, one can easily use matrix entry to account for a random size of an answer. But this does not work for mathematical expressions. There we have to give each entry of the vector as a separate gap, which then becomes a problem when the size varies. This solves that problem. For this reason I've included two parts: one very simple one that just shows the phenomenon of variable number of gaps, and one which is more like why I needed it.
Note that to resolve the fact that when \(m=2\), the point for the third gap cannot be earned, I have made it so that the student only gets 0 or all points, when all shown gaps are correctly filled in.
Note the use of Ax[m-1] in the third gap "correct answer" of part b): if you use Ax[2], then it will throw an error when m=2, as then Ax won't have the correct size. So even though the marking algorithm will ignore it, the question would still not work.
Bonus demo if you look in the variables: A way to automatically generate the correct latex code for \(\var{latexAx}\), since it's a variable size. I would usually need that in the "Advice", i.e. solutions, rather than the question text.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
In this demo question, you can see either 2 or 3 gaps depending on the variable \(m\), and the marking algorithm doesn't penalise for the empty third gap in cases when it is not shown.
Reason to use it: for vectors or matrices containing only numbers, one can easily use matrix entry to account for a random size of an answer. But this does not work for mathematical expressions. There we have to give each entry of the vector as a separate gap, which then becomes a problem when the size varies. This solves that problem. For this reason I've included two parts: one very simple one that just shows the phenomenon of variable number of gaps, and one which is more like why I needed it.
Note that to resolve the fact that when \(m=2\), the point for the third gap cannot be earned, I have made it so that the student only gets 0 or all points, when all shown gaps are correctly filled in.
Note the use of Ax[m-1] in the third gap "correct answer" of part b): if you use Ax[2], then it will throw an error when m=2, as then Ax won't have the correct size. So even though the marking algorithm will ignore it, the question would still not work.
Bonus demo if you look in the variables: A way to automatically generate the correct latex code for \(\var{latexAx}\), since it's a variable size. I would usually need that in the "Advice", i.e. solutions, rather than the question text.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
Solving a system of three linear equations in 3 unknowns using Gaussian Elimination (or Gauss-Jordan algorithm) in 5 stages. Solutions are all integers. Set up so that sometimes it has infinitely many solutions (one free variable), sometimes unique solution. Scaffolded so meant for formative. The variable d determines the cases (d=1: unique solution, d-0: infinitely many solutions). The other variables are set up so that no entries become zero for some randomisations but not others.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
Use matrix multiplication to get an equation for \(k\) which is then to be solved.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
Matrix multiplication. Has automatically generated "unresolved" matrix product to write in the solution.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
Solving a system of three linear equations in 3 unknowns using Gaussian Elimination (or Gauss-Jordan algorithm) in 5 stages. Solutions are all integers. Introductory question where the numbers come out quite nice with not much dividing. Set-up is meant for formative assessment. Adapated from a question copied from Newcastle.
Question in Kenny's workspace
No description given
Question in Practice test
No description given
Question in DIAGNOSYS
No description given
Question in Engineering Statics
Solve for the internal force in three members of a truss.
Question in Engineering StaticsSolve for the internal forces at on a multipart frame.
Question in Tom's workspace
Exam (1 question) in Denis's workspace
Solve a system of linear equations using Gaussian elimination.
Question in Sanja's workspace
Students will solve for x using algebraic maipulation.
Question in Marie's linear algebra workspace
Solving a system of three linear equations in 3 unknowns using Gauss Elimination in 4 stages. Solutions are all integral.
Question in Differential Equations
Method of undermined coefficients:
Solve: $\displaystyle \frac{d^2y}{dx^2}+2a\frac{dy}{dx}+a^2y=0,\;y(0)=c$ and $y(1)=d$. (Equal roots example). Includes an interactive plot.
Question in Differential Equations
Solve: $\displaystyle \frac{d^2y}{dx^2}+2a\frac{dy}{dx}+(a^2+b^2)y=0,\;y(0)=1$ and $y'(0)=c$.
Question in Julie's workspace
Solve: $\displaystyle \frac{d^2y}{dx^2}+2a\frac{dy}{dx}+(a^2+b^2)y=0,\;y(0)=1$ and $y'(0)=c$.
Question in Julie's workspace
Method of undermined coefficients:
Solve: $\displaystyle \frac{d^2y}{dx^2}+2a\frac{dy}{dx}+a^2y=0,\;y(0)=c$ and $y(1)=d$. (Equal roots example). Includes an interactive plot.
Question in Bill's workspace
Solve for $x(t)$, $\displaystyle\frac{dx}{dt}=\frac{a}{(x+b)^n},\;x(0)=0$
Question in How-tos
This question uses the linear algebra extension to generate a system of linear equations which can be solved.
We want to produce an equation of the form $\mathrm{A}\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{y}$, where $\mathrm{A}$ and $\mathbf{y}$ are given, and $\mathbf{x}$ is to be found by the student.
First, we generate a linearly independent set of vectors to form $\mathrm{A}$, then freely pick the value of $\mathbf{x}$, and calculate the corresponding $\mathbf{y}$.
To generate $\mathrm{A}$, we generate more vectors we need, then pick a linearly independent subset of those using the
function. -
Question in Transition to university
Apply the quadratic formula to find the roots of a given equation. The quadratic formula is given in the steps if the student requires it.
Question in Luke's workspace
Two part question:
a) Simplify commutative elements
b) Solve 1-step equation
Question in Segundo Medio
Objetivo: Resolver ecuaciones de segundo grado del tipo $ax^2+c=0$.