163 results.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Topics covered are calculating the mean, median, mode, range, and standard deviation.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Application of the binomial distribution given probabilities of success of an event.
Finding probabilities using the binomial distribution.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given random set of data (between 13 and 23 numbers all less than 100), find their stem-and-leaf plot.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Choosing whether given random variables are qualitiative or quantitative.
Question in Julie's workspace
Given random set of data (between 13 and 23 numbers all less than 100), find their stem-and-leaf plot.
Question in Christian's workspace
Find a regression equation.
Now includes a graph of the regression line and another interactive graph gives users the opportunity to move the regression line around. Could be used for allowing users to experiment with what they think the line should be and see how this compares with the calculated line.
Question in Julie's workspace
Exam covering questions on the Errorsr part of the SOEE5154M Maths course.
Topics covered are calculating the mean, median, mode and standard deviation.
Question in Julie's workspace
Basic data structures and maths/stats functionality given.
You can configure the rest.
Question in Julie's workspace
Given random set of data (between 13 and 23 numbers all less than 100), find their stem-and-leaf plot.
Question in Julie's workspace
Exam covering questions on the Errorsr part of the SOEE5154M Maths course.
Topics covered are calculating the mean, median, mode and standard deviation.
Question in Julie's workspace
Given a table of the number of days in which sales were between £x1000 and £(x+1)1000 find the relative percentage frequencies of these volume of sales.
Question in Julie's workspace
Topics covered are calculating the mean, median, mode and standard deviation.
Question in Julie's workspace
Topics covered are calculating the mean, median, mode and standard deviation.
Question in Julie's workspace
Find the mean, median and mode of a list of 10 test scores.
Question in Julie's workspace
calculating mean
Question in Probability
r digits are picked at random (with replacement) from the set $\{0,\;1,\;2,\ldots,\;n\}$. Probabilities that 1) all $\lt k$, 2) largest is $k$?
Question in Statistics
Find the mean, median and mode of a list of 10 test scores.
Question in Julie's workspace
Template question. The student is asked to perform a two factor ANOVA to test the null hypotheses that the measurement does not depend on each of the factors, and that there is no interaction between the factors.
Question in Christian's workspace
Template question. The student is asked to perform a two factor ANOVA to test the null hypotheses that the measurement does not depend on each of the factors, and that there is no interaction between the factors.
Question in Christian's workspace
Paired t-test to see if there is a difference between responses after treatment.
Question in YJ's workspace
Template question. The student is asked to perform a two factor ANOVA to test the null hypotheses that the measurement does not depend on each of the factors, and that there is no interaction between the factors.
Question in Keith's workspace
Testing an hypothesis about the mean of one group.
Question in Keith's workspace
Testing an hypothesis about the mean of one group.
Question in Keith's workspace
Calculating summary statistics.
Question in Ricardo's workspace
Template question. The student is asked to perform a two factor ANOVA to test the null hypotheses that the measurement does not depend on each of the factors, and that there is no interaction between the factors.
Question in Ricardo's workspace
The random variable $X$ has a PDF which involves a parameter $c$. Find the value of $c$. Find the distribution function $F_X(x)$ and $P(a \lt X \lt b)$.
Question in Bill's workspace
Paired t-test to see if there is a difference between responses after treatment.
Question in Bill's workspace
Given the pdf $f(x)=\frac{a-bx}{c},\;r \leq x \leq s,\;f(x)=0$ else, find $P(X \gt p)$, $P(X \gt q | X \gt t)$.
Question in James's workspace
Template question. The student is asked to perform a two factor ANOVA to test the null hypotheses that the measurement does not depend on each of the factors, and that there is no interaction between the factors.
Question in Bill's workspace
The random variable $X$ has a PDF which involves a parameter $k$. Find the value of $k$. Find the distribution function $F_X(x)$ and $P(X \lt a)$.