228 results for "method".
Exam (11 questions) in Akinola's workspace
Questions on integration using various methods such as parts, substitution, trig identities and partial fractions.
Question in Diagnostic Test Materials
Given three vectors, arrange them in a tip to tail arrangement using geogebra, then estimate the magnitude and direction of their resultant.
Exam (6 questions) in MAT333
Integrate the product of two functions by the method of integration by parts.
Question in MAT333
Find $\displaystyle \int \frac{nx^3+mx^2+nx + p}{1+x^2}\;dx$. Solution involves $\arctan$.
Question in Algebra Mat140
Other method. Find $p,\;q$ such that $\displaystyle \frac{ax+b}{cx+d}= p+ \frac{q}{cx+d}$. Find the derivative of $\displaystyle \frac{ax+b}{cx+d}$.
Question in Algebra Mat140
Solve for $x$ and $y$: \[ \begin{eqnarray} a_1x+b_1y&=&c_1\\ a_2x+b_2y&=&c_2 \end{eqnarray} \]
The included video describes a more direct method of solving when, for example, one of the equations gives a variable directly in terms of the other variable.
Question in Andrew's workspace
Warning: may take up to 60 seconds to load question!
Students are given six graphs, corresponding to curves $\gamma(t)$. They must match each with its signed curvature function, $\kappa(t)$.
The graphs are generated by calculating $\theta(t)=\int \kappa(t) \mathrm{d}t$ (by hand: these are given to the question as functions of a variable '#', in string form), and solving $x^{\prime}=\cos(\theta(t)-\theta(0))$ and $y^{\prime}(t)=\sin(\theta(t)-\theta(0))$ numerically (using the RKF method) with a JavaScript extension.
Question in Linear algebra for electric circuits 1301ENG
Putting a pair of linear equations into matrix notation and then solving by finding the inverse of the coefficient matrix.
Question in Mario's workspace
Write down the Newton-Raphson formula for finding a numerical solution to the equation $e^{mx}+bx-a=0$. If $x_0=1$ find $x_1$.
Included in the Advice of this question are:
6 iterations of the method.
Graph of the NR process using jsxgraph. Also user interaction allowing change of starting value and its effect on the process.
Question in Nazim's workspace
No description given
Question in Laure's workspace
No description given
Question in Senida's workspace
Write down the Newton-Raphson formula for finding a numerical solution to the equation $e^{mx}+bx-a=0$. If $x_0=1$ find $x_1$.
Included in the Advice of this question are:
6 iterations of the method.
Graph of the NR process using jsxgraph. Also user interaction allowing change of starting value and its effect on the process.
Exam (11 questions) in Blathnaid's workspace
Questions on integration using various methods such as parts, substitution, trig identities and partial fractions.
Question in Ann's workspace
Given three vectors, arrange them in a tip to tail arrangement using geogebra, then estimate the magnitude and direction of their resultant.
Exam (15 questions) in Diagnostic Test Materials
Questions on integration using various methods such as parts, substitution, trig identities and partial fractions.
Exam (7 questions) in Paul's workspace
Practice dividing polynomials using the long division method.
Question in Ioannis's workspace
Find a% of b using a calculator. Suggested method to use decimal equivalent.
Exam (11 questions) in bhadresh's workspace
Questions on integration using various methods such as parts, substitution, trig identities and partial fractions.
Question in LSE MA100 (Bugs fixed, September 2018)
This is the question for Lent Term week 7 of the MA100 course at the LSE. It looks at material from chapters 33 and 34.
The following is a description of parts a and b. In particular it describes the varaibles used for those parts.
This question (parts a and b) looks at optimisation problems using the langrangian method. parts a and b of the question we will ask the student to optimise the objective function f(x,y) = y + (a/b)x subject to the constraint function r^2 = (x-centre_x)^2 + (y-centre_y)^2.
The variables centre_x and centre_y take values randomly chosen from {6,7,...,10} and r takes values randomly chosen from {1,2,...,5}.
We have the ordered set of variables (a,b,c) defined to be randomly chosen from one of the following pythagorean triplets: (3,4,5) , (5,12,13) , (8,15,17) , (7,24,25) , (20,21,29). The a and b variables here are the same as those in the objective function. They are defined in this way because the minimum will occur at (centre_x - (a/c)*r , centre_y - (b/c)*r) with value centre_y - (b/c)r + (a/b) * centre_x - (a^2/bc)*r , and the maximum will occur at (centre_x + (a/c)*r , centre_y + (b/c)*r) with value centre_y + (b/c)r + (a/b) *centre_x + (a^2/bc)r. The minimisation problem has lambda = -c/(2br) and the maximation problem has lambda* = c/(2br).
We can see that all possible max/min points and values are nice rational numbers, yet we still have good randomisation in this question. :)
Exam (11 questions) in bhadresh's workspace
Questions on integration using various methods such as parts, substitution, trig identities and partial fractions.
Exam (11 questions) in Remobilisation S3
Questions on integration using various methods such as parts, substitution, trig identities and partial fractions.
Exam (11 questions) in bhadresh's workspace
Questions on integration using various methods such as parts, substitution, trig identities and partial fractions.
Exam (11 questions) in bhadresh's workspace
Questions on integration using various methods such as parts, substitution, trig identities and partial fractions.
Exam (11 questions) in bhadresh's workspace
Questions on integration using various methods such as parts, substitution, trig identities and partial fractions.
Exam (7 questions) in Blathnaid's workspace
Practice dividing polynomials using the long division method.
Exam (3 questions) in Newcastle University Sports Science
Questions on the subtleties and pitfalls of methods of data collection.
Exam (2 questions) in Newcastle University Sports Science
Questions on the subtleties and pitfalls of methods of data collection.
Exam (11 questions) in CHY1205
Questions on integration using various methods such as parts, substitution, trig identities and partial fractions.
Exam (11 questions) in Nick's workspace
Questions on integration using various methods such as parts, substitution, trig identities and partial fractions.
Exam (11 questions) in Nick's workspace
Questions on integration using various methods such as parts, substitution, trig identities and partial fractions.