593 results for "solve".
Question in Segundo Medio
Objetivo: Resolver ecuaciones de segundo grado de la forma $x^2+bx+c=0$ que se pueden factorizar.
Question in Segundo Medio
Objetivo: Resolver ecuaciones de segundo grado del tipo $ax^2+bx=0$.
Question in Segundo Medio
Objetivo: Resolver ecuaciones de segundo grado del tipo $ax^2+c=0$.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given two numbers, find the gcd, then use Bézout's algorithm to find $s$ and $t$ such that $as+bt=\operatorname{gcd}(a,b)$.
Question in Ida's workspace
This question tests the students ability to factorise simple quadratic equations (where the coefficient of the x^2 term is 1) and use the factorised equation to solve the equation when it is equal to 0.
Question in Ida's workspace
This question tests the students ability to factorise simple quadratic equations (where the coefficient of the x^2 term is 1) and use the factorised equation to solve the equation when it is equal to 0.
Question in Jos's workspace
Solve for $x$ and $y$: \[ \begin{eqnarray} a_1x+b_1y&=&c_1\\ a_2x+b_2y&=&c_2 \end{eqnarray} \]
The included video describes a more direct method of solving when, for example, one of the equations gives a variable directly in terms of the other variable.
Question in Joël's workspace
This question tests the student's ability to solve simple linear equations by elimination. Part a) involves only having to manipulate one equation in order to solve, and part b) involves having to manipulate both equations in order to solve.
Question in Blathnaid's workspace
This question tests the students ability to factorise simple quadratic equations (where the coefficient of the x^2 term is 1) and use the factorised equation to solve the equation when it is equal to 0.
Question in Blathnaid's workspace
Given two numbers, find the gcd, then use Bézout's algorithm to find $s$ and $t$ such that $as+bt=\operatorname{gcd}(a,b)$.
Question in Blathnaid's workspace
This question tests the students ability to factorise simple quadratic equations (where the coefficient of the x^2 term is 1) and use the factorised equation to solve the equation when it is equal to 0.
Question in Johnny's workspace
This question tests the student's ability to solve simple linear equations by elimination. Part a) involves only having to manipulate one equation in order to solve, and part b) involves having to manipulate both equations in order to solve.
Question in Quadratic Equation
Solve a quadratic equation by completing the square. The roots are not pretty!
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Solving a system of three linear equations in 3 unknowns using Gauss Elimination in 4 stages. Solutions are all integral.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Solve for $x$: $\displaystyle \frac{px+s}{ax+b} = \frac{qx+t}{cx+d}$ with $pc=qa$.
German translation of https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/question/12012/solve-an-equation-in-algebraic-fractions/ by Newcastle University Mathematics and Statistics
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Solve two quadratic equations (with real coefficients) in the complex numbers. The solutions have non-zero imaginary part, fractions can appear (but the denominators are rather small).
Question in Ulrich's workspace
Solve two quadratic equations (with real coefficients) in the complex numbers. The solutions have non-zero imaginary part, fractions can appear (but the denominators are rather small).
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Student is given a set of constraints for a linear program. Asked to enter the constraints as inequalities, and then to identify the optimal solution.
Problem with solving the simultaneous equations gven by the constraints - too unwieldy and not given enough marks for doing so. Best if the point of intersection is given graphically by putting the mouse over the intersection.
Question in Algebra Mat140
Student is given a set of constraints for a linear program. Asked to enter the constraints as inequalities, and then to identify the optimal solution.
Problem with solving the simultaneous equations gven by the constraints - too unwieldy and not given enough marks for doing so. Best if the point of intersection is given graphically by putting the mouse over the intersection.
Question in Denis's workspace
Student is given a set of constraints for a linear program. Asked to enter the constraints as inequalities, and then to identify the optimal solution.
Question in Adrian's workspace
Student is given a set of constraints for a linear program. Asked to enter the constraints as inequalities, and then to identify the optimal solution.
Exam (4 questions) in Module B1 - Mathematical Methods
Self-assessment questions. Solve 50% of the available marks to pass this exercise.
Question in Numeros Complejos
Operaciones combinadas con números complejos.
Question in Introduction to Calculus
Solve for $x$: $\log_{a}(x+b)- \log_{a}(x+c)=d$
Question in Introduction to Calculus
Apply and combine logarithm laws in a given equation to find the value of $x$.
Question in Introduction to Calculus
Solve for $x$ each of the following equations: $n^{ax+b}=m^{cx}$ and $p^{rx^2}=q^{sx}$.
Question in Introduction to Calculus
Solve for $x$: $\log(ax+b)-\log(cx+d)=s$
Question in Introduction to Calculus
Solve for $x$: $\displaystyle 2\log_{a}(x+b)- \log_{a}(x+c)=d$.
Make sure that your choice is a solution by substituting back into the equation.
Question in Introduction to Calculus
Solve for $x$: $c(a^2)^x + d(a)^{x+1}=b$ (there is only one solution for this example).
Question in Introduction to Calculus
Solve exponential equation of the form \[ a^{kx}=b^{kx+m}. \]