634 results for "linear".
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
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Question in Algebra
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Question in Algebra
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Question in Foundation Maths
Solve a simple linear equation algebraically. The unknown appears on both sides of the equation.
Question in Algebra
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Question in Radu Dragomir's workspace
Tags: algebra, equations (linear), equations (quadratic)
Last updated Sep 2019
Exam (6 questions) in Farai's workspace
In class test contributes about 30% of your assesment work. Make sure you write your REG number.
Question in Algebra
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Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Solve linear equations with unkowns on both sides. Including brackets and fractions.
Question in Discrete Mathematics
In this question the students have to solve a linear recurrence of order 1. The sequence is asked in recurrence form and the goal is to find its closed form.
Putting a pair of linear equations into matrix notation and then solving by finding the inverse of the coefficient matrix.
Question in MATH6058 Engineering Maths 1
Linear combinations of $2 \times 2$ matrices. Three examples.
Exam (6 questions) in Ugur's workspace
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Characteristic poly, eigenvalues and eigenvectors 3x3, digonailsability (non-randomised) Ready to useQuestion in Ugur's workspace
Example of an explore mode question. Student is given a 3x3 matrix and is asked to find the characteristic polynomial and eigenvalues, and then eigenvectors for each eigenvalue. The part asking for eigenvectors can be repeated as often as the student wants, to be used for different eigenvalues.
Assessed: calculating characteristic polynomial and eigenvectors.
Feature: any correct eigenvalue will be recognised by the marking algorithm, even multiples of the obvious one(s) (which can be read off from the reduced row echelon form)
Randomisation: Not randomised, just using particular matrices. I am still working on how to randomise this for 3x3; a randomised 2x2 version exists. I have several different versions for 3x3 (not all published yet), so I could make a random choice between these in a test.
The implementation uses linear algebra functions such as "find reduced echelon form" or "find kernel of a reduced echelon form", from the extension "linalg2".
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Real numbers $a,\;b,\;c$ and $d$ are such that $a+b+c+d=1$ and for the given vectors $\textbf{v}_1,\;\textbf{v}_2,\;\textbf{v}_3,\;\textbf{v}_4$ $a\textbf{v}_1+b\textbf{v}_2+c\textbf{v}_3+d\textbf{v}_4=\textbf{0}$. Find $a,\;b,\;c,\;d$.
Question in SIT316
This question uses a Geogebra applet to solve a linear program with two variables using the graphical method. It contains three steps:
- Construct the feasible area (polygon) by adding the constraints one by one. The students can see what happens when the constraints are added.
- Add the objective function, and the level set of the objective value is shown, as well as its (normalised) gradient.
- Compute the optimal solution by moving the level set of the objective around.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Find the equation of the line that passes through given points
Exam (3 questions) in IPC Hobart
Extra practice on some basic algebra skills, including solving linear equations. You can try as many times as you like and also generate new versions of the questions for extra practice.
Question in GCSE to Alevel Transition
The student is given the equations of a line and a circle, and has to find the coordinates of the points of intersection. They're always at integer coordinates.
Question in Martin's workspace
Solve a problem using a linear equation.
Question in Tamsin's workspace
Putting a pair of linear equations into matrix notation and then solving by finding the inverse of the coefficient matrix.
Question in Will's workspace
A random dataset given by a linear function with noise (gradient and y-intercept of the linear function are randomised as is distribution of x values).
Question in SIT316
GIve a random linear program and ask the students to convert it to canonical form.
Question in Core Foundation Maths
Solving linear equations
Question in Core Foundation Maths
Basic solving of linear equations
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Basic solving of linear equations
Question in Core Foundation Maths
Solving linear equations.
Question in Core Foundation Maths
Basic solving of linear equations
Question in Core Foundation Maths
Solving linear equations
Question in Core Foundation Maths
Straightforward solving linear equations question