593 results for "solve".
Question in Algebra
Questions to test if the student knows the inverse of fractional power or root (and how to solve equations that contain them).
Question in Algebra
Questions to test if the student knows the inverse of an even power (and how to solve equations that contain a single power that is even).
Question in Algebra
Questions to test if the student knows the inverse of an odd power (and how to solve equations that contain a single power that is odd).
Question in NCL MSP3801
Find the eigenfunctions of an irregular Sturm–Liouville problem and hence solve an inhomogeneous boundary value problem by writing the solution as an eigenfunction expansion.
Question in NCL MSP3801
Solve an ODE by first writing it in canonical form.
Question in Foundation Maths
Solve a simple linear equation algebraically. The unknown appears on both sides of the equation.
Exam (3 questions) in Engineering Statics
Homework set. Rigid body equilibrium solved using the three-force body principle.
Question in Engineering Statics
Solve for the internal force in three members of a truss.
Question in Engineering Statics
Solve Truss by the method of joints. The solution is simplified by recognizing symmetry.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Solve linear equations with unkowns on both sides. Including brackets and fractions.
Question in Discrete Mathematics
In this question the students have to solve a linear recurrence of order 1. The sequence is asked in recurrence form and the goal is to find its closed form.
Putting a pair of linear equations into matrix notation and then solving by finding the inverse of the coefficient matrix.
Question in MfEP Progress Quizzes
Student needs to solve a quadratic equation to calculate time taken for a diver to hit the water after diving from a diving board. Height of the board and initial upward velocity of the diver are randomly generated values. student needs to know that surface of the water is height 0, and only positive root of quadratic has physical meaning. Question is set to always give one positieve and one negative root.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Real numbers $a,\;b,\;c$ and $d$ are such that $a+b+c+d=1$ and for the given vectors $\textbf{v}_1,\;\textbf{v}_2,\;\textbf{v}_3,\;\textbf{v}_4$ $a\textbf{v}_1+b\textbf{v}_2+c\textbf{v}_3+d\textbf{v}_4=\textbf{0}$. Find $a,\;b,\;c,\;d$.
Question in SIT316
This question uses a Geogebra applet to solve a linear program with two variables using the graphical method. It contains three steps:
- Construct the feasible area (polygon) by adding the constraints one by one. The students can see what happens when the constraints are added.
- Add the objective function, and the level set of the objective value is shown, as well as its (normalised) gradient.
- Compute the optimal solution by moving the level set of the objective around.
Question in Christian's workspace
Solving a system of simultaneous congruences using the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
An explore mode question which allows you to write a solution straight away, or break it down into steps.
After solving a system of three congruences, you can ask for a new problem with more congruences.
Question in Martin's workspace
Solve a problem using a linear equation.
Question in Blathnaid's workspace
This question tests the students ability to factorise simple quadratic equations (where the coefficient of the x^2 term is 1) and use the factorised equation to solve the equation when it is equal to 0.
Question in Engineering Statics
Pulley supported by a cable, so the tension in the rope is constant. Advice is a youtube video showing how to solve the problem.
Question in Engineering Statics
Use the parallelogram rule to solve a force triangle.
Question in Core Foundation Maths
Basic solving of linear equations
Question in Core Foundation Maths
Solving linear equations
Question in Core Foundation Maths
Solve for $x$ and $y$: \[ \begin{eqnarray} a_1x+b_1y&=&c_1\\ a_2x+b_2y&=&c_2 \end{eqnarray} \]
The included video describes a more direct method of solving when, for example, one of the equations gives a variable directly in terms of the other variable.
Question in Engineering Statics
Solve a random oblique triangle for sides and angles.
Question in LAWALI's workspace
No description given
Question in Bases matemáticas
Resolver una ecuación de 1er grado sin fracciones
Question in Bases matemáticas
Resolver una ecuación de 1er grado sin fracciones
Question in Discrete Mathematics
In this question the students have to solve a linear recurrence of order 2. The sequence is asked in recurrence form and the goal is to find its closed form.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
Solve linear equations with unkowns on both sides. Including brackets and fractions.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
Solve linear equations with unkowns on both sides. Including brackets and fractions.