1586 results for "with".
Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
Fractions already have a common denominator. Addition and subtraction 50:50 split, when subtracting, the answer is negative half the time. Students shouldn't have to worry about reducing fractions by design.
Exam (4 questions) in .Complex Numbers
Quiz covering basic arithmetic with complex numbers, solving a quadratic with complex solutions and converting to/from polar and rectangular forms.
Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
Recall of common units, along with understanding multiplication.
Exam (4 questions) in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
Adding, subtracting and multiplying two and three digit numbers. Now with worked solutions.
Question in Debugging other people's stuff
The student has to write the general solution of a 2nd order PDE. They can choose the names of their arbitrary functions of $x$ and $y$.
The marking algorithm finds the names of the functions of $x$ and $y$ in the student's answer, and replaces them with $\sin(x)$ and $\cos(y)$ (these could be changed) so that the expression can be evaluated.
Question in MESH
A normal curve is shown, with the mean and +/- 1, 2 and 3 standard deviations marked. An area of the curve is shaded and students are asked to estimate the shaded area using the heuristic rule. There are 6 possible areas: (-infty, mu-2sd), (mu-2sd, mu-1sd), (mu-1sd,mu), (mu, mu+1sd), (mu+1sd, mu+2sd), (mu+2sd, infty). The mean and standard deviation are randomised.
Question in How-tos
Shows how to use the lpad function to format a time in HH:MM format so that leading zeros are used for numbers less than 10.
Question in MESH
Student is presented with a clock showing a random time (in 15 minute increments) with an idication of whether it is morning or afternoon, along with a scheduled meeting time (in 24 hour mode). Question asks them to calculate difference between times and whether they are early or late.
Exam (7 questions) in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
Dealing with adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and taking powers of negative numbers.
Question in Engineering StaticsShear and bending moment diagram for a beam loaded with concentrated force and a uniformly distributed force.
Question in How-tos
The student is asked to enter a given matrix, but they're only required to fill in the upper triangle.
A custom marking algorithm fills in any empty cells in the lower triangle of the student's answer with the corresponding cell in the upper triangle.
The student is still warned if they leave any cells empty in the upper triangle.
Question in CHY1201 - SpectroscopyThe reduced masses are pre-calculated for this question and included in a list. It would be more elegant to program Numbas to permute atoms together to generate diatomic molecules while constraining the permutations to those which are chemically/physically reasonable, so as to allow calculation of each reduced mass directly from the atomic masses- but organising this with high computational efficiency might be a significant programing task (add to "to do" list).
Question in CHY1201 - SpectroscopyThe reduced masses are pre-calculated for this question and included in a list. It would be more elegant to program Numbas to permute atoms together to generate diatomic molecules while constraining the permutations to those which are chemically/physically reasonable, so as to allow calculation of each reduced mass directly from the atomic masses- but organising this with high computational efficiency might be a significant programing task (add to "to do" list).
Question in CHY1201 - SpectroscopyThe reduced masses are pre-calculated for this question and included in a list. It would be more elegant to program Numbas to permute atoms together to generate diatomic molecules while constraining the permutations to those which are chemically/physically reasonable, so as to allow calculation of each reduced mass directly from the atomic masses- but organising this with high computational efficiency might be a significant programing task (add to "to do" list).
Question in CHY1201 - SpectroscopyThe reduced masses are pre-calculated for this question and included in a list. It would be more elegant to program Numbas to permute atoms together to generate diatomic molecules while constraining the permutations to those which are chemically/physically reasonable, so as to allow calculation of each reduced mass directly from the atomic masses- but organising this with high computational efficiency might be a significant programing task (add to "to do" list).
Question in How-tos
This demonstrates how to:
- Generate a fixed number of observations of data in two categories.
- Display the data in a table, with row and column totals.
- Ask the student to enter the data in a spreadsheet which is automatically marked.
Exam (13 questions) in Chris's workspace
A random selection of algebra questions without solutions.
Exam (18 questions) in WM175_A1_24
Algebra, Calculus, Trigonometeric Equations, Complex numbers & Partial Derivatives
Students must complete the exam within 120 mins (standard time).
Questions have variables to produce randomised questions. -
Question in UWESbE - Written Assessments
Friction and Accelration of a block with 2 forces applied
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Solve linear equations with unkowns on both sides. Including brackets and fractions.
Exam (1 question) in Demos
This easy exam is intended to be used by administrators to check the integration of Numbas with a leaarning environment.
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
Graphing $y=ab^{\pm x+d}+c$
Exam (122 questions) in Comet Project
DIAGNOSYS is a knowledge-based test of mathematics background knowledge for first-year university students, created by John Appleby at Newcastle University.
The questions have been translated directly into Numbas, with as few changes as possible.
Question in MfEP Progress Quizzes
Asks students to find the partil fraction decomposition for a rational function Denominator is a quadratic with distinct factors.
Question in SIT316
This question uses a Geogebra applet to solve a linear program with two variables using the graphical method. It contains three steps:
- Construct the feasible area (polygon) by adding the constraints one by one. The students can see what happens when the constraints are added.
- Add the objective function, and the level set of the objective value is shown, as well as its (normalised) gradient.
- Compute the optimal solution by moving the level set of the objective around.
Question in GCSE to Alevel Transition
The student is shown a set of axes with three lines. They must move the lines so they match the given inequalities, then move a point inside the region satisfied by the inequalities.
Question in Christian's workspace
This is a copy of a question from the Numbas demos project, with references to the editor removed.
The student is shown a plot of a mystery function. They can enter values of $x$ check, within the bounds of the plot.
They're asked to give the formula for the function, and then asked for its value at a very large value of $x$.
A plot of the student's function updates automatically as they type. Adaptive marking is used for the final part to award credit if the student gives the right value for their incorrect function.
Question in Christian's workspace
Solving a system of simultaneous congruences using the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
An explore mode question which allows you to write a solution straight away, or break it down into steps.
After solving a system of three congruences, you can ask for a new problem with more congruences.
Question in Foundation Maths
No description given
Question in Tamsin's workspaceScalar Multiplication, addition and subtraction in combination (pre-defined sizes in answers)