8 results.
Question in Julie's workspace
X∼Binomial(n,p). Find P(X=a), P(X≤b), E[X],Var(X).
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Exercise using a given uniform distribution Y, calculating the expectation and variance as well as asking for the CDF. Also finding P(b<Y<c) for given values of b,c.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Exercise using a given uniform distribution Y, calculating the expectation and variance as well as asking for the CDF. Also finding P(Y≤a) and P(b<Y<c) for a given values a,b,c.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given a piecewise CDF FX(b) which is discontinuous at several points, find the probabilities at those points and also find the value of FX(b) at a continuous point and the expectation.
This cdf is a step function and is therefore the cdf of a discrete random variable. This should be stated somewhere in the statement or the solution. Apart from this the question is correct.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
The random variable X has a PDF which involves a parameter k. Find the value of k. Find the distribution function FX(x) and P(X<a).
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
X∼Binomial(n,p). Find P(X=a), P(X≤b), E[X],Var(X).
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given the PDF for Y∼Exp(λ) find the CDF, P(a≤Y≤b) and E[Y],Var(Y)
Question in Bill's workspace
The random variable X has a PDF which involves a parameter k. Find the value of k. Find the distribution function FX(x) and P(X<a).