5 results.
Question in Bill's workspace
Nature of fixed points of a 2D dynamical system.
These examples are either centres or spirals.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
The random variable X has a PDF which involves a parameter c. Find the value of c. Find the distribution function FX(x) and P(a<X<b).
Also find the expectation E[X]=∫∞−∞xfX(x)dx.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
No description given
Question in Julie's workspace
Find the general solution of y″+2py′+(p2−q2)y=x in the form Aeax+Bebx+yPI(x),yPI(x) a particular integral.
Question in Daniel's workspace
Find the general solution of y″+2py′+(p2−q2)y=Asin(fx) in the form A1eax+B1ebx+yPI(x),yPI(x) a particular integral. Use initial conditions to find A1,B1.