16 results.
Question in Engineering Statics
Solve a random oblique triangle for sides and angles.
Question in Trigonometry
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Question in Trigonometry
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Question in Trigonometry
Use cos2θ+sin2θ=1 and/or an understanding on the unit circle definitions to determine cosθ given sinθ and the quadrant theta is in.
Question in Trigonometry
Use cos2θ+sin2θ=1 and/or an understanding on the unit circle definitions to determine sinθ given cosθ and the quadrant theta is in.
Question in Trigonometry
A right-angled triangle is displayed either pointing left or right with one of the other angles and one of the sides given. Use SOH CAH TOA to find the side indicated with an x.
Question in Trigonometry
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Question in Trigonometry
multiple choice testing sin, cos, tan of random(0,90,120,135,150,180,210,225,240,270,300,315,330) degrees
Question in Trigonometry
Using cos2θ+sin2θ=1 to evaluate expressions.
Question in Trigonometry
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Question in Glasgow Numbas Question Pool
Calculate the distance between two points along the surface of a sphere using the cosine rule of spherical trigonometry. Context is two places on the surface of the Earth, using latitude and longitude.
The question is randomised so that the numerical values for Latitude for A and B will be positive and different (10-25 and 40-70 degrees). As will the values for Longitude (5-25 and 50-75). The question statement specifies both points are North in latitude, but one East and one West longitude, This means that students need to deal with angles across the prime meridian, but not the equator.
Students first calculate the side of the spherical triangle in degrees, then in part b they convert the degrees to kilometers. Part a will be marked as correct if in the range true answer +-1degree, as long as the answer is given to 4 decimal places. This allows for students to make the mistake of rounding too much during the calculation steps.
Question in Trigonometry
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Question in Trigonometry
multiple choice testing sin, cos, tan of random(30, 45, 60) degrees
Question in David's workspace
Find angle and side in a right angled triangle.
Question in Trigonometry
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Question in Don's workspace
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