12 results.
Question in Engineering Statics
Add three vectors by determining their scalar components, summing them and then resolving the rectangular components to find the magnitude and direction of the resultant.
Question in Engineering Statics
Equilibrium of a rigid body. Find tension to raise a pole.
Question in Engineering Statics
Two forces act on a bell crank. This problem has two unknown magnitudes and an unknown direction which makes it tricky to solve by the equilibrium equation method.
The solution is much simpler if three force body principle is used.
Question in Engineering Statics
Rigid body equilibrium problem. Easiest to solve by replacing forces on the perimiter of the pulley with equivalent forces at the axle.
Question in Engineering Statics
Given three vectors, arrange them in a tip to tail arrangement using geogebra, then estimate the magnitude and direction of their resultant.
Question in Engineering Statics
Three random forces act on a particle. Determine the force required for equilibirum.
Question in Engineering Statics
Determine the resultant of three random 2-D vectors.
Question in Engineering Statics
Find the magnitude and direction of a force given its scalar components.
Question in Engineering Statics
Find the reactions of a rigid body (a truss) at a pin and roller. All loads are either horizontal or vertical.
Question in Engineering Statics
Find the reactions of a rigid body (a triangular plate) at a pin and roller. The load is at an angle.
Question in Engineering Statics
Determine the single force which is equivalent to a force and a couple.
Question in Engineering Statics
Given three vectors with integer components, find the corresponding magnitude and direction.