7 results.
Question in Engineering Statics
Find the centroid of a shape made up of a rectangle and two triangles.
Question in Engineering Statics
Student calculates ˉy for a triangle. Must use similar triangles get element dA.
Question in Engineering Statics
Find the area, first moment of area, and coordinates of a general spandrel. The area may be above or below the function.
Question in Engineering Statics
Use integration to find the centroid of an area bounded by a parabola, a sloping line, and the y-axis.
Question in Engineering Statics
Find the centroidal moment of inertia of a sideways T shape. This requires first locating the centroid, then applying the parallel axis theorem.
Question in Engineering Statics
Given a random spandrel, find the expressions for the differential elements of area and the coordinates of its centroid needed to determine the location of the centroid by integration.
Question in Engineering Statics
Find the centroid of a shape made from a rectangle, triangle, and circle.