32 results.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Differentiate cos(eax+bx2+c)
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Differentiate (axm+b)n.
Question in Jos's workspace
Template question. The student is asked to perform a two factor ANOVA to test the null hypotheses that the measurement does not depend on each of the factors, and that there is no interaction between the factors.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
The derivative of xm(ax2+b)n is of the form xm−1(ax2+b)n−1g(x). Find g(x).
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Differentiate (axm+bx2+c)n.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Differentiate ln((ax+b)m)
Question in Bill's workspace
Examples on differentiation using the quotient rule and chain rule.
Question in Bill's workspace
Find a regression equation.
Question in Bill's workspace
Differentiate the following functions: xnsinh(ax+b),tanh(cx+d),ln(cosh(px+q))
Question in Bill's workspace
Differentiate ln((ax+b)m)
Question in Bill's workspace
The derivative of xm(ax2+b)n is of the form xm−1(ax2+b)n−1g(x). Find g(x).
Question in Bill's workspace
Differentiate cos(eax+bx2+c).
Contains a video solving a similar example.
Question in Bill's workspace
Differentiate the following functions: xnsinh(ax+b),tanh(cx+d),ln(cosh(px+q))
Question in Bill's workspace
Differentiate eaxm+bx2+c
Question in Bill's workspace
Question in Bill's workspace
Express ax+b±cx+d as an algebraic single fraction over a common denominator.
Contains a video in Show steps.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Differentiate the following functions: xnsinh(ax+b),tanh(cx+d),ln(cosh(px+q))
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Differentiate the following functions: xnsinh(ax+b),tanh(cx+d),ln(cosh(px+q))
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Differentiate eaxm+bx2+c
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Differentiate the following functions: xnsinh(ax+b),tanh(cx+d),ln(cosh(px+q))
Question in Calculus
Differentiate (axm+b)n.
Question in Calculus
Using chain rule to differentiate functions of the form asin(mx+b).
Question in Julie's workspace
Template question. The student is asked to perform a two factor ANOVA to test the null hypotheses that the measurement does not depend on each of the factors, and that there is no interaction between the factors.
Question in Narvik
Basic rules of derivatives
Question in Numerical reasoning
Given ratio of ingredients in a preparation, and amounts of each ingredient, work out how much of the preparation you can make.
Based on question 5 from section 3 of the maths-aid workbook on numerical reasoning.
Question in Christian's workspace
Template question. The student is asked to perform a two factor ANOVA to test the null hypotheses that the measurement does not depend on each of the factors, and that there is no interaction between the factors.
Question in YJ's workspace
Template question. The student is asked to perform a two factor ANOVA to test the null hypotheses that the measurement does not depend on each of the factors, and that there is no interaction between the factors.
Question in Ricardo's workspace
Template question. The student is asked to perform a two factor ANOVA to test the null hypotheses that the measurement does not depend on each of the factors, and that there is no interaction between the factors.
Question in James's workspace
Template question. The student is asked to perform a two factor ANOVA to test the null hypotheses that the measurement does not depend on each of the factors, and that there is no interaction between the factors.