23 results.
Question in Engineering StaticsShear and bending moment diagram for a beam loaded with concentrated force and a uniformly distributed force.
Question in Engineering Statics
Equilibrium of two interacting particles.
Question in Yvonne's workspace
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Question in Yvonne's workspace
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Question in Engineering Statics
Derive the expressions for the shear and bending moment as functions of x for a cantilever beam with a uniformly varying (triangular) load.
Question in Yvonne's workspace
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Question in Yvonne's workspace
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Question in Yvonne's workspace
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Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Find the equation of a straight line which has a given gradient m and passes through the given point (a,b).
Question in Yvonne's workspace
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Question in Yvonne's workspace
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Question in Engineering StaticsIdentify errors in student-drawn free body diagrams of a frame.
Question in DIAGNOSYS
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Question in DIAGNOSYS
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Question in Bill's workspace
Rotate y=a(cos(x)+b) by 2π radians about the x-axis between x=cπ and x=(c+2)π. Find the volume of revolution.
Question in Bill's workspace
Rotate the graph of y=aln(bx) by 2π radians about the y-axis between y=c and y=d. Find the volume of revolution.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Find angle between plane Π1, given by three points, and the plane Π2 given in Cartesian form.
The calculation of cos(α) at the end of Advice has fractionNumbers switched on and so the result is presented as a fraction, which can be misleading. Best if calculation is followed through without using fractionNumbers.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Provided with information on a sample with sample mean and standard deviation, but no information on the population variance, use the t test to either accept or reject a given null hypothesis.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given a piecewise CDF FX(b) which is discontinuous at several points, find the probabilities at those points and also find the value of FX(b) at a continuous point and the expectation.
This cdf is a step function and is therefore the cdf of a discrete random variable. This should be stated somewhere in the statement or the solution. Apart from this the question is correct.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Find the equation of a straight line which has a given slope or gradient m and passes through the given point (a,b).
There is a video in Show steps which goes through a similar example.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given two sets of data, sample mean and sample standard deviation, on performance on the same task, make a decision as to whether or not the mean times differ. Population variance not given, so the t test has to be used in conjunction with the pooled sample standard deviation.
Link to use of t tables and p-values in Show steps.
Question in Julie's workspace
Rotate y=a(cos(x)+b) by 2π radians about the x-axis between x=cπ and x=(c+2)π. Find the volume of revolution.
Question in Bill's workspace
Given the pdf f(x)=a−bxc,r≤x≤s,f(x)=0 else, find P(X>p), P(X>q|X>t).