123 results.
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
Recognising the equation of a semi-circle centred at the origin. Top, bottom, left and right.
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
Recognising the equation of a circle.
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
Recognising that (x−a)2+(y−b)2=r2 is a circle of radius r with centre (a,b)
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
Completing the square twice to determine the radius and centre of a circle.
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
Find the x and y intercepts of a circle.
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
Identifying y=mx+b given two points
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
Given one point and the gradient determine the equation of the line.
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
Given the graph of the line determine the equation of the line.
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
No description given
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
Identifying some of the basic properties (intercepts, asymptotes, quadrants) of a right hyperbola.
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
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Question in Graphing and Polynomials
Understanding the general facts about polynomials of degree n.
Question in Graphing and Polynomials
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Question in Graphing and Polynomials
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Question in Graphing and Polynomials
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Question in Martin's workspace
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Question in Martin's workspace
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Question in Martin's workspace
This question plots a general amplitude modulated carrier signal defined by vs(t)=(VDC+Vmcos(2πfmt))cos(2πfct), where VDC is a DC offset, Vm is the message amplitude, fm is the message frequency and fc is the carrier frequency (fc=20fm in this question). The student must identify the values of VDC and Vm and enter these values into the appropriate gaps in the equation of the AM signal.
Question in Trigonometry
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Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Students enter equation and turning point
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph (the graph paper) plot shows the curve going through the entered values. The student input is now disconnected from the graph so that they slide the points usually after they input the values and the answer fields are not updated.
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph (the graph paper) plot shows the curve going through the entered values.
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Students enter equation and turning point
Question in Panamaconferentie
1) Schrijf een modeloplossing. Houd rekening dat je bij randomisatie dit anders zal moeten schrijven.
2) Randomiseer de snelheid, en controleer welke effecten dat heeft op de andere variabelen.
Question in Engineering Statics
Given three vectors, arrange them in a tip to tail arrangement using geogebra, then estimate the magnitude and direction of their resultant.
Question in DIAGNOSYS
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Question in DIAGNOSYS
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Question in Trigonometry
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Question in Trigonometry
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Question in Trigonometry
A right-angled triangle is displayed either pointing left or right with one of the other angles and one of the sides given. Use SOH CAH TOA to find the side indicated with an x.