37 results.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Putting a pair of linear equations into matrix notation and then solving by finding the inverse of the coefficient matrix.
Question in Julia Goedecke's contributions
Matrix multiplication. Has automatically generated "unresolved" matrix product to write in the solution, which is the interesting part of this implementation.
Question in rhaana's workspace
Based on Chapter 8, quite loosley.Putting a pair of linear equations into matrix notation and then solving by finding the inverse of the coefficient matrix.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
Matrix multiplication. Contains a function that will let you print the calculation steps of matrix multiplication, e.g. in the Advice.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
A combination of tasks: checking which matrix products exist, calculating some of these products, calculating transpose matrices. Comparing product of transpose with transpose of product. Experiencing associativity of matrix multiplication. Not much randomisation, only in which matrix product is computed as second option.
Comprehensive solution written out in Advice.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
Matrix multiplication. Has automatically generated "unresolved" matrix product to write in the solution.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
Calculate matrix times vector.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
Calculate matrix times vector.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
To understand matrix multiplication in terms of linear combinations of column vectors.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
Use matrix multiplication to get an equation for k which is then to be solved.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
checking by size whether two matrices can be multiplied. Student either gives size of resulting product, or NA if matrices can't be multiplied.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
Asking the student to create examples of two matrices which multiply to zero but are not themselves the zero matrix. Then getting the student to think about some features of these examples.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
checking by size whether two matrices can be multiplied. Student either gives size of resulting product, or NA if matrices can't be multiplied.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
First compute matrix times vector for specific vectors. Then determine domain and codomain and general formula for the matrix transformation defined by the matrix.
Randomising the number of rows in the matrix, m, makes the marking algorithm for part c) slightly complicated: it checks whether it should include the third gap or not depending on the variable m. For the correct distribution of marks, it is then necessary to do "you only get the marks if all gaps are correct". Otherwise the student would only get 2/3 marks when m=2, so the third gap doesn't appear.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
Student can choose one of all possible matrix products from the matrices given. Meant for voluntary extra practice. No extensive solutions: referred to other questions for this.
Question in Hayley's workspace
Find the inverse of three 2×2 invertible matrices.
Question in Jos's workspace
Multiplication of 2×2 matrices.
Question in Jos's workspace
Exercises in multiplying matrices.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Elementary Exercises in multiplying matrices.
Question in Hayley's workspace
Find the determinant of three 2×2 invertible matrices.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Very elementary matrix multiplication.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Multiplication of 2×2 matrices.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Find the determinant and inverse of three 2×2 invertible matrices.
Question in Matrices Questions
Multiplication of 2×2 matrices.
Question in Julie's workspace
Multiplication of 2×2 matrices.
Question in Christian's workspace
Find the determinant and inverse of three 2×2 invertible matrices.
Question in Bill's workspace
Putting a pair of linear equations into matrix notation and then solving by finding the inverse of the coefficient matrix.
Question in Bill's workspace
Multiplication of 2×2 matrices.
Question in Bill's workspace
Exercises in multiplying matrices.
Question in Katie's workspace
Putting a pair of linear equations into matrix notation and then solving by finding the inverse of the coefficient matrix.