7 results.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Finding the modulus and argument (in radians) of four complex numbers; the arguments between −π and π and careful with quadrants!
Question in Sabri's workspace
Finding the modulus and argument (in radians) of four complex numbers; the arguments between 0 and 2π and careful with quadrants!
Question in Graham's workspace
Finding the modulus and argument (in radians) of four complex numbers; the arguments between −π and π and careful with quadrants!
Question in Graham's workspace
Finding the modulus and argument (in radians) of four complex numbers; the arguments between −π and π and careful with quadrants!
Question in David's workspace
Finding the modulus and argument (in radians) of four complex numbers; the arguments between −π and π and careful with quadrants!
Question in Bill's workspace
Finding the modulus and argument (in radians) of four complex numbers; the arguments between −π and π and careful with quadrants!
Question in Christoph's workspace
Finding the modulus and argument (in radians) of four complex numbers; the arguments between −π and π and careful with quadrants!