10 results.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given a PDF f(x) on the real line with unknown parameter t and three random observations, find log-likelihood and MLE ˆt for t.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
The random variable X has a PDF which involves a parameter c. Find the value of c. Find the distribution function FX(x) and P(a<X<b).
Also find the expectation E[X]=∫∞−∞xfX(x)dx.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
The random variable X has a PDF which involves a parameter k. Find the value of k. Find the distribution function FX(x) and P(X<a).
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
f(x,y) is the PDF of a bivariate distribution (X,Y) on a given rectangular region in R2. Write down the limits of the integrations needed to find P(X≥a), the marginal distributions fX(x),fY(y) and the conditional probability P(Y≤b|X≥c)
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given the PDF for Y∼Exp(λ) find the CDF, P(a≤Y≤b) and E[Y],Var(Y)
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
X is a continuous uniform random variable defined on [a,b]. Find the PDF and CDF of X and find P(X≥c).
Question in Ricardo's workspace
The random variable X has a PDF which involves a parameter c. Find the value of c. Find the distribution function FX(x) and P(a<X<b).
Question in Bill's workspace
Given the pdf f(x)=a−bxc,r≤x≤s,f(x)=0 else, find P(X>p), P(X>q|X>t).
Question in Bill's workspace
The random variable X has a PDF which involves a parameter k. Find the value of k. Find the distribution function FX(x) and P(X<a).
Question in Bill's workspace
The random variable X has a PDF which involves a parameter c. Find the value of c. Find the distribution function FX(x) and P(a<X<b).