18 results.
Question in Julie's workspace
Application of the Poisson distribution given expected number of events per interval.
Finding probabilities using the Poisson distribution.
Question in Clodagh's workspace
Application of the binomial distribution given probabilities of success of an event.
Finding probabilities using the binomial distribution.
Question in Transition to university
Given the probabilities that each of four out of five friends will win a round of mini-golf, work out the probability that the fifth friend won't win, then use that to find the probability that they will win.
Question in Bill's workspace
Given a random variable X normally distributed as N(m,σ2) find probabilities P(X>a),a>m;P(X<b),b<m.
Question in Bill's workspace
Exercise using a given uniform distribution X, calculating the expectation and variance. Also finding P(X≤a) for a given value a.
Question in Bill's workspace
Application of the binomial distribution given probabilities of success of an event.
Finding probabilities using the binomial distribution.
Question in Bill's workspace
Application of the Poisson distribution given expected number of events per interval.
Finding probabilities using the Poisson distribution.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
The random variable X has a PDF which involves a parameter c. Find the value of c. Find the distribution function FX(x) and P(a<X<b).
Also find the expectation E[X]=∫∞−∞xfX(x)dx.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given a random variable X normally distributed as N(m,σ2) find probabilities P(X>a),a>m;P(X<b),b<m.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Converting odds to probabilities.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Application of the binomial distribution given probabilities of success of an event.
Finding probabilities using the binomial distribution.
Question in Julie's workspace
Basic data structures and maths/stats functionality given.
You can configure the rest.
Question in Probability
r digits are picked at random (with replacement) from the set {0,1,2,…,n}. Probabilities that 1) all <k, 2) largest is k?
Question in Ricardo's workspace
The random variable X has a PDF which involves a parameter c. Find the value of c. Find the distribution function FX(x) and P(a<X<b).
Question in Bill's workspace
Given the pdf f(x)=a−bxc,r≤x≤s,f(x)=0 else, find P(X>p), P(X>q|X>t).
Question in Bill's workspace
Determine if the following describes a probability mass function.
Question in Bill's workspace
Two numbers from a set of 5 numbers are chosen at random, without replacement. Find the distribution X of their sum and E[X].
Question in Bill's workspace
The random variable X has a PDF which involves a parameter c. Find the value of c. Find the distribution function FX(x) and P(a<X<b).