12 results.
Question in Ugur's workspace
Multiple response question (4 correct out of 8) covering properties of convergent and divergent series and including questions on power series. Selection of questions from a pool.
Question in Ugur's workspace
Find the first 3 terms in the MacLaurin series for f(x)=(a+bx)1/n i.e. up to and including terms in x2.
Question in Ugur's workspace
Find the first 3 terms in the Taylor series at x=c for f(x)=(a+bx)1/n i.e. up to and including terms in x2.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Moving averages, regression and seasonal adjustments.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Centred moving averages.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Multiple response question (4 correct out of 8) covering properties of convergent and divergent series and including questions on power series. Selection of questions from a pool.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Minitab was used to fit both an AR(1) model and an AR(2) to a stationary series. A table is given summarising the results obtained from Minitab. Choose the most appropriate model and make a forecast based on that model.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Minitab was used to fit an AR(1) model to a stationary time series. Given the output answer the following questions about the model and use the model to make forecasts.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Find the first 3 terms in the MacLaurin series for f(x)=(a+bx)1/n i.e. up to and including terms in x2.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Approximate f(x)=(a+h)m/n by f(a)+hf′(a) to 5 decimal places and compare with true value.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Find the first 3 terms in the Taylor series at x=c for f(x)=(a+bx)1/n i.e. up to and including terms in x2.
Question in Tore's workspace
I en uendelig geometrisk rekke er a3=2 og a6=14.