7 results.
Question in Julie's workspace
Solve: d2ydx2+2adydx+(a2+b2)y=0,y(0)=1 and y′(0)=c.
Question in Julie's workspace
Method of undermined coefficients:
Solve: d2ydx2+2adydx+a2y=0,y(0)=c and y(1)=d. (Equal roots example). Includes an interactive plot.
Question in Bill's workspace
Solve for x: acosh(x)+bsinh(x)=c. There are two solutions for this example.
Question in Bill's workspace
Find p and q such that ax2+bx+c=a(x+p)2+q.
Hence, or otherwise, find roots of ax2+bx+c=0.
Includes a video which shows how to solve a quadratic by completing the square.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Solve: d2ydx2+2adydx+(a2+b2)y=0,y(0)=1 and y′(0)=c.
Question in Transition to university
Factorise a quadratic expression of the form x2+akx+bk2 for x, in terms of k. a and b are constants.
Question in Transition to university
This question tests the students ability to factorise simple quadratic equations (where the coefficient of the x^2 term is 1) and use the factorised equation to solve the equation when it is equal to 0.