9 results.
Question in Bill's workspace
Determine if various combinations of vectors are defined or not.
Question in Bill's workspace
Given vectors A,B, find A×B
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Find the Cartesian form ax+by+cz=d of the equation of the plane r=r0+λa+μb.
The solution is not unique. The constant on right hand side could be given to ensure that the left hand side is unique.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Determine if various combinations of vectors are defined or not.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Find minimum distance between a point and a line in 3-space. The line goes through a given point in the direction of a given vector.
The correct solution is given, however the accuracy of 0.001 is not enough as in some cases answers near to the correct solution are also marked as correct.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Three 3 dim vectors, one with a parameter λ in the third coordinate. Find value of λ ensuring vectors coplanar. Scalar triple product.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given vectors A,B, find A×B
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Determine if various combinations of vectors are defined or not.
Question in Julie's workspace
Given vectors a,b, find a×b