75 results authored by Johan Maertens - search across all users.
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
Zet de decimale getallen naar breukvorm om en omgekeerd
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
Drag points on a graph to the given Cartesian coordinates. There are points in each of the four quadrants and on each axis.
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
Exam (3 questions) in Getallenleer 1e jaar
No description given
Exam (5 questions) in Getallenleer 2e jaar
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Question in Johan's workspace
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
Vierkantswortels van van 0 t.e.m. 225 oefenen.
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
Kwadraten van 0 t.e.m. 15 oefenen.
Question in Getallenleer 2e jaar
Simplifying algebraic expressions
Question in herhaling lagere school
Show a list of the factors of a number.
Works by testing each number up to $n$ for divisibility by $n$, so won't do well with really big numbers. Certainly fast enough for numbers up to 4 or 5 digits.
Question in Getallenleer 2e jaar
Filling in the table of powers of ten.
Exam (13 questions) in Getallenleer 2e jaar
Omvormen van formules
Exam (3 questions) in Johan's workspace
Questions on addition, subtraction, multiplication and powers of negative numbers.
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
Doelstelling: leerlingen kunnen de coördinaten van punten in een assenstelsel bepalen
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
Simple exercises introducing the fundamental set operations, and NUMBAS syntax for sets.
Question in Getallenleer 2e jaar
This question is made up of 10 exercises to practice the expansion of brackets.
Question in Getallenleer 2e jaar
No description given
Question in Getallenleer 2e jaar
This question aims to test understanding and ability to use the laws of indices.
Question in Getallenleer 2e jaar
No description given
Question in Johan's workspace
All the answers in this question are equations. In order to mark each equation, Numbas needs to pick some values that satisfy the equation and some that don't, and check that the student's answer agrees with the expected answer.
Any equation with the same solution set as the expected answer will be marked correct.
Question in Getallenleer 2e jaarThe student must expand an expression of the form $(x+a)(x+b)(x+c)$. A pattern restriction ensures there are no brackets in their answer.
Question in Getallenleer 2e jaar
No description given
Question in Getallenleer 2e jaar
No description given
Question in Johan's workspace
This question provides a list of data to the student. They are asked to find the mean, median, mode and range.
Question in Getallenleer 2e jaar
No description given
Question in Getallenleer 2e jaar
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Question in Getallenleer 2e jaar
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Question in Getallenleer 2e jaar
No description given
Question in Johan's workspace
Convert a metric measurement to another order of magnitude, e.g. g to kg.
Question in Meetkunde 1e jaar
Convert a metric measurement to another order of magnitude, e.g. g to kg.