75 results authored by Johan Maertens - search across all users.
Exam (4 questions) in Meetkunde 1e jaar
Some questions that use the quantities extension to handle units.
Question in Getallenleer 2e jaar
No description given
Question in Getallenleer 2e jaar
No description given
Question in Johan's workspace
Show a list of the factors of a number.
Works by testing each number up to $n$ for divisibility by $n$, so won't do well with really big numbers. Certainly fast enough for numbers up to 4 or 5 digits.
Question in Johan's workspace
Fiddling about with a new extension providing a "quantity" data type: an amount with units.
Question in Johan's workspace
Factoring a quadratic equation
Question in Johan's workspace
Examples of the following custom part types: Yes/no, List of numbers, Give a numerical input for an expression, Number entry modulo.
Question in Johan's workspace
Numbas can now understand and use several different styles of notation for numbers.
This question shows off all the supported styles, both for display in text and in the answers to number entry parts.
Question in Johan's workspace
Lay out gapfills so the student has to enter either the numerator or denominator of a fraction.
Question in Johan's workspace
Some custom CSS restyles the matrix input so it looks like a fraction, with input boxes on top and bottom.
Ideally, there should be a fraction input part type, or an option for the number entry part to display a fraction input.
Exam (8 questions) in Johan's workspace
9 questions: Expanding out expressions such $(ax+b)(cx+d)$ etc.
Exam (8 questions) in Johan's workspace
9 questions: Expanding out expressions such $(ax+b)(cx+d)$ etc.
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
This question tests the student's ability to identify the factors of some composite numbers and the highest common factors of two numbers.
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
Multiples, factors, lowest common multiples and highest common factors.
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
Vierkantswortels van van 0 t.e.m. 225 oefenen.
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
Kwadraten van 0 t.e.m. 15 oefenen.
Question in Johan's workspace
No description given
Question in Johan's workspace
This question asks you to place a point on a number line. The number is an integer.
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
Decimal Places and Significant Figures
Question in Meetkunde 1e jaar
Calculate the volume of different 3D shapes, given the units and measurements required. The formulae for the volume of each shape are available as steps if required.
Question in meetkunde 2e jaar
Calculate the volume of different 3D shapes, given the units and measurements required. The formulae for the volume of each shape are available as steps if required.
Question in Meetkunde 1e jaar
This question tests the students ability to calculate the area of different 2D shapes given the units and measurements required. The formulae for the areas are available if required but students are encouraged to try to remember them themselves.
The shapes are: a rectangle, a parallelogram, a right-angled triangle, and a trapezium.
Author of gif: Picknick
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. -
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
Given the first few terms of an arithmetic sequence, write down its formula, then find a couple of particular terms.
Question in Johan's workspace
Construct a line through two points in a GeoGebra worksheet. Change the line by setting the positions of the two points when the worksheet is embedded into the question.
Question in Johan's workspace
This question tests a student's ability to raise a negative base to a negative exponent.
Question in Johan's workspace
No description given
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
This question allows you to practice converting between decimals and fractions
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
This is a set of questions designed to help you praction adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions.
All of these can be done without a calculator
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
These questions are asking you to use a non-calculator method to work out a percentage amount of a value.