75 results authored by Johan Maertens - search across all users.
Exam (6 questions) in Getallenleer 1e jaar
This test has a mixture of fundamentals questions. You can use this to see which areas you need to practice.
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
This question will help you practice converting between fractions and percentages
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
This question concentrates on converting between decimals and percentages
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
This question asks you to work out one value as a percentage of another. You are expected to do these without the help of a calculator.
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
Non-calculator percentage increase and decrease calculations.
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
Round random numbers to the closest whole number, 1 to 3 decimals places. Also rounding that could show common misunderstandings.
Question in Johan's workspace
A sneak peek at a really clever integration of GeoGebra with Numbas.
Exam (4 questions) in Johan's workspace
This activity has a variety of percentage questions all designed to be done without a calculator.
Q1 is useful for MfB
Q2 is useful for MfB - wording to look at?
Q3 I don't understand this Q, should be removed or re-worded
Q4 good questions but too many, make them more business like
Question in Getallenleer 2e jaar
Ratio Questions
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
Ask for the square of each number from 0 to 15, in random order.
The shuffle function puts a list in random order.
Question in Johan's workspace
Show one of several blocks of text depending on the value of a question variable.
As well as a simple check for the value of a variable, the condition to display a block of text can be a complex expression in any of the question variables - in this example, depending on the discriminant of the generated quadratic.
Question in Getallenleer 1e jaar
No description given
Question in Johan's workspace
Multiplying and dividing decimals
Question in Johan's workspace
No description given
Question in Johan's workspace
Simplify algebra expressions