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Elliott Fletcher on Which coin is more likely to be biased? 7 years, 8 months ago

Gave some feedback: Needs to be tested

Elliott Fletcher on Probability - Notation and Conversion between Percentages, Decimals and Fractions 7 years, 8 months ago

Gave some feedback: Needs to be tested

Elliott Fletcher on Which coin is more likely to be biased? 7 years, 8 months ago

Gave some feedback: Needs to be tested

Elliott Fletcher commented on Straight line equation application: measuring sunflower height 7 years, 8 months ago

Lovely question, definitely one of my favourite questions so far. Just a few grammatical comments

In the statement you probably should put a hyphen between observation and B as you have for "Observation-A"

Main Parts

a) good (the graph looks really nice)

b) I would delete the should in the question here

In the first (top left) bullet point, "take" should be "taken"

In the bottom left bullet point, you could change "millimeters" to just mm if you wanted.

c) you write "3^th day" but this should be "3^rd day"

I don't think you need a colon at the end, i would just put a full stop

e) "The power goes to you head" should be "The power goes to your head".

I would put a "why" after hence and before "this".


a) I would put the equation to calculate c in the second paragraph on it's own line using display mode.

"point's" should be "points"

I would put the multiplications in brackets here.

c) i don't think you need the colon here

d) Again i don't think you need the colon here.

e) "oustide" should be "outside"

Hopefully this question will inspire many young students to become grass length consultants in the future!

Elliott Fletcher on Straight line equation application: measuring sunflower height 7 years, 8 months ago

Gave some feedback: Has some problems

Elliott Fletcher on Finding the highest common factor of two numbers 7 years, 8 months ago

Gave some feedback: Has some problems

Elliott Fletcher commented on Finding the highest common factor of two numbers 7 years, 8 months ago

I think this is a really good question and it works well. Just a few comments

Main Parts

In the statement i would write a definition of composite as well as some students might not know what this means.

a) good

b) in the question i would write "Identify which of the following are prime numbers:" instead of "Identify the prime numbers from below."

One of the numbers here for me was 43, which is a prime number, however if you say it is a prime number it is marked incorrect as the displayed answer is that it is composite.


Good job getting the list of factors thing to work!

b) you could put the numbers in the table in the order that they appear in the question but it's up to you. I would also write "composite" instead of "not prime".

Also you could extend the table a little bit to the right, so that some numbers don't go onto a new line in the divisors column.

Elliott Fletcher on Factorising Quadratic Equations with $x^2$ Coefficients Greater than 1 7 years, 8 months ago

Gave some feedback: Has some problems

Elliott Fletcher commented on Factorising Quadratic Equations with $x^2$ Coefficients Greater than 1 7 years, 8 months ago

I think the questions here are good and will be reasonably challenging for the students, there are just a few errors that i noticed.

Main Parts

a) the correct numbers that you put into the answer box are marked correct, but the expected answer comes up as somethinwe g else which would be incorrect. For example, i was given the equation 2x^2+12x+10 =0, which factorises to 2(x+5)(x+1) = 0, which is marked correct, however the expected answer comes up as 2(x+4)(x+3) = 0.

b) Here the correct answer is marked incorrect,

i had 8x^2+112x+320=0 which factorises to 8(x+10)(x+4) = 0. Thus x1 = -10 and x2=-4. However this is marked wrong and the expected answer is x1=-5 and x2= -1, which wouldn't be right.

c) good

d) i would write "in order to calculate the possible values of x that satisfy the equation" instead of "in order to calculate the possible values of x".

Again, the correct answer is marked incorrect. The expected answer shows different values which would be incorrect.



I don't think you need a comma after "with" on the first line here.

I think there should be a 2 in front of the brackets in the final answer, as you have done in the question itself.


I don't think you need a comma after "with" on the first line here.

I think you need a full stop after the factorised equation on the 7th line.


The equation here shows the wrong coefficient of x in the second factor, for example for

6x^2+5x+1 = 0, you have

"This means our factorised equation must take the form (3x+a)(3x+b) = 0" whereas the equation should be "(3x+a)(2x+b) =0".

On that note i think it should be 3b+2a = 5 instead of 3a+2b=5.

I would put the multiplications in brackets here when you write when you multiply the values of a and b by 3 and 2.


I think you should just write "we need to find two values that add together to make 5 and multiply to make 6" as one line instead of two.

Typo: "mutipy" should be "multiply"

I think this part needs more explanation for how you obtain each of the numbers for the factorised expression, something like you have done in part c)

Although the way you find the final answer does make sense and does work, i don't really see why you need to find the previously mentioned values like 3 and 2 that add and multiply to make a certain number to do this. I think you'd be better answering this question in the same way as you answered part c.

Sorry for all the feedback!