93 results authored by Don Shearman - search across all users.

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  • Golden Gate Bridge
    Ready to use

    An application of quadratic functions based on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, USA. Student is given an equation representing the suspension cable of the bridge and asked to find the width between the towers and the minimum height of the cable above the roadway. Requires and understanding of the quadratic function and where and how to apply correct formulae.

  • Diving board
    Ready to use

    Student needs to solve a quadratic equation to calculate time taken for a diver to hit the water after diving from a diving board. Height of the board and initial upward velocity of the diver are randomly generated values. student needs to know that surface of the water is height 0, and only positive root of quadratic has physical meaning. Question is set to always give one positieve and one negative root.

  • Asks students to find the partil fraction decomposition for a rational function Denominator is a quadratic with distinct factors.

  • Question in Don's workspace by Don Shearman

    No description given

  • This question is a variation on another version which asks the student to find the height of a bridge arch and width of the river given a formula for the arch of the bridge (also available in the Numbas database)

  • An application of quadratic functions based on the Gladesville Bridge in Sydney, Australia. Student is given an equation representing the arch of the bridge and asked to find the height of the arch and the width of the river. Requires and understanding of the quadratic function and where and how to apply correct formulae.

  • An application of quadratic functions based on the Gateshead Bridge in the UK city of Newcastle. Student is given an equation representing the arch of the bridge and asked to find the height of the arch and the width of the river. Requires and understanding of the quadratic function and where and how to apply correct formulae.

  • Functions
    Question in MfEP Progress Quizzes by Don Shearman and 1 other

    Student is given a rational function, h(x), with randomised coefficients, and a linear function, k(x), also with randomised coeffieients and asked to find:

    1. h(k(x)) or k(h(x)) (randomly selected) for a randomised value of x
    2. The domain of h(x) - multiple choice part
    3. A general expresion for k(h(x)) or h(k(x)) - opposite combination to first part.

    Variables are constrained so that h(x) is not a degenerate form and that when evaluating h(x) denomiator is not 0.

  • Question in MfEP Progress Quizzes by Don Shearman and 1 other

    This question gives the student the formula for the charge on a capacitor as a function of time then asks them to find the value of k, the exponential constant given other values and hence write out the formula for the given case. A custom function (in Extensions & scripts) extracts the student's formula and plots it on a JSXGraph object in the question. The student is then asked to evaluate the function at a given point using the plot or other methods. The value of the capacitor (Q_0), time (t) and charge at time t are randomised as is the value at which the formula is to be evaluated.

  • Voltage drop formula
    Ready to use
    Question in MfEP Progress Quizzes by Don Shearman and 2 others

    Students are asked to rearrane the formula giving the voltage drop across a resistor in terms of emf of battery, resistance of resistor and internal resistance of battery to make the internal resistance the subject. They are then asked to calculate the internal resistance given values for the other variables (randomised).

  • Tunnel diameter
    Ready to use

    Basic trigonometry question, students are asked to find the diameter of a circular tunnel given distance from edge of a roadway to centre top of tunnel (randomised) and angle from edge of road to centre top of tunnel (randomised).

  • Students need to prove a given trig identity, Written as a scan solution and upload question, no randomisation.

  • Students need to prove a given trig identity, Written as a scan solution and upload question, no randomisation.

  • Students need to prove a given trig identity, Written as a scan solution and upload question, no randomisation.

  • Trig Identity 6
    Ready to use

    Students need to rewrite a given trig espression in terms of one trig ratio only, Written as a scan solution and upload question, no randomisation.

  • Trig Identity 5
    Ready to use

    Students need to rewrite a given trig espression in terms of one trig ratio only, Written as a scan solution and upload question, no randomisation.

  • Trig identity 4
    Ready to use

    Students need to prove a given trig identity, Written as a scan solution and upload question, no randomisation.

  • Trig identity 3
    Ready to use

    Students need to prove a given trig identity, Written as a scan solution and upload question, no randomisation.

  • Trig identity 2
    Ready to use

    Students need to prove a given trig identity, Written as a scan solution and upload question, no randomisation.

  • Trig identity 1
    Ready to use

    Students need to prove a given trig identity, Written as a scan solution and upload question, no randomisation.

  • Road width
    Ready to use

    Basic trigonometry question, students are asked to find the width of a roadway in a circular tunnel given distance from edge of road to centre top of tunnel (randomised) and angle from edge of road to centre top of tunnel (randomised).

  • Question in MfEP Progress Quizzes by Don Shearman and 2 others

    Students are presented with an AI generated solution to rerrange the quadratic equation where the AI has made errors, they are asked to rewrite the solution correctly. No variables but this is version 5 of 5 versions of the question. This version uses a much more mangled AI generated solution that the other 4 versions and does not ask for the line with the first error, just for the student to rewrite the solution correctly.

  • Students are presented with an AI generated solution to rerrange the quadratic equation where the AI has made errors, they are asked to identify on which line the first error occurs, then rewrite the solution correctly. No variables but this is version 4 of 5 versions of the question.

  • Question in MfEP Progress Quizzes by Don Shearman and 1 other

    Students are presented with an AI generated solution to rerrange the quadratic equation where the AI has made errors, they are asked to identify on which line the first error occurs, then rewrite the solution correctly. No variables but this is version 2 of 5 versions of the question.

  • Question in MfEP Progress Quizzes by Don Shearman and 2 others

    Students are presented with an AI generated solution to rerrange the quadratic equation where the AI has made errors, they are asked to identify on which line the first error occurs, then rewrite the solution correctly. No variables but this is 1 of 5 versions of the question.

  • Reaction forces
    Ready to use

    Students need to find solution to simultaneous linear equations with randomised coefficients.

  • Plane height

    This question asks students to find the distance from an aircraft to a given marker. Angle of depression of 2 markers from the aircraft are given and the distance between the markers on the ground (all randomised). Students need to use the sine rule to find the answer. The workding of the question makes googling the answer difficult.

  • Particle displacement
    Ready to use
    Question in MfEP Progress Quizzes by Don Shearman and 1 other

    Question asks student to find zeros of a quadratic equation - disguised as finding time for particle to reach a given position. In this version students are expected to write up their working and submit it seperately to the Numbas question. Students are expcted to recognise that only the positive solution has physical significance. Coefficients of the quadratic are randomly chosen within linits which give one positive and one negative root.

  • Two part question, student has to rearrange the parallel resistors formula (stated in the question) to make L_1 or L_2 the subject (variable is chosen randomly), then find the value of this variable when values of the other variables in the formula are given. These values are randomly chosen.

    Note that the advice for this question has two versions, the one displayed to the student depends on which variable is selected by the question.

  • Two part question, student has to rearrange the parallel inductors formula (stated in the question) to make L_1 or L_2 the subject (variable is chosen randomly), then find the value of this variable when values of the other variables in the formula are given. These values are randomly chosen.

    Note that the advice for this question has two versions, the one displayed to the student depends on which variable is selected by the question.