647 results authored by Christian Lawson-Perfect - search across all users.
Exam (4 questions) in Numerical reasoning
Questions about percentage and ratio, applied to finance.
Based on section 3.2 of the Maths-Aid workbook on numerical reasoning.
Question in Demos
A demo of the choose several from a list part and its options.
Question in Demos
A demo of the match choices with answers part and its options.
Question in Christian's workspace
Shows how to use the "random person" extension to pick random names using the built-in French data set.
Question in How-tos
Shows how to use the "random person" extension to pick random names for people in your questions.
Question in How-tos
This question demonstrates defining an 'unknown' function $F(x)$ as a custom function so that it can be used in marking.
The definition of $F$ is arbitrary, so care must be taken to ensure it doesn't have more properties, such as evenness, than necessary.
Question in Christian's workspace
This shows how to use captured groups in a mathematical expression part's pattern restriction to mark an answer involving multiple occurrences of an undefined function.
Question in How-tos
No description given
Question in Christian's workspace
Experimental question using JSXGraph to provide dynamic, interactive graphs.
Question in How-tos
There are copious comments in the definition of the function eqnline about the voodoo needed to have a JSXGraph diagram interact with the input box for a part.
Question in Demos
A demo of the match text pattern part and its options.
Question in How-tos
The student is shown two number entry gaps on either side of a 'less than' sign. Their answer is marked correct if the first number is less than the second, using a custom marking algorithm.
This shows how to mark the gaps in a gap-fill part together, rather than independently.
Question in How-tos
This shows how to define a question variable whose value is a variable name with a few annotations added, so it's more convenient to use.
The question variable 'x' is defined to be the variable name
. -
Question in How-tos
The student is given a value of $\cos(\theta)$ and has to find $\theta$.
Shows how to use subexpressions to represent randomly-chosen fractions of $\pi$ and surds, and have them displayed nicely.
Question in How-tos
Shows how to create a simplified JME subexpression, and substitute it into a string variable.
Question in How-tos
To prevent students from giving a trivial answer for a part which is used later in adaptive marking, you can consider it as invalid.
Part a of this question has a custom marking algorithm which marks an answer of zero as invalid. Any other answer is used in adaptive marking for part b.
Question in How-tosA custom marking algorithm picks out the names of the constants of integration that the student has used for the $\cos$ and $\sin$ terms in their answer, and replaces them with $A$ and $B$ respectively, before comparing with the correct answer. This way, the student is free to choose the names for their constants of integration.
Question in How-tos
Use the bareMatrices display flag to render a matrix without wrapping it in parentheses.
Question in How-tos
A demonstration of how to use the "variable list of choices" option for a "choose one from a list" part to shuffle only some of the choices, and always have the same "I don't know" choice at the end of the list.
Question in How-tos
This question uses a "formatted text template" variable to define a long passage of text which is shown to the student after they submit a part. A custom marking algorithm adds the text as a comment after the standard marking algorithm has finished.
Question in How-tos
This question uses the linear algebra extension to generate a system of linear equations which can be solved.
We want to produce an equation of the form $\mathrm{A}\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{y}$, where $\mathrm{A}$ and $\mathbf{y}$ are given, and $\mathbf{x}$ is to be found by the student.
First, we generate a linearly independent set of vectors to form $\mathrm{A}$, then freely pick the value of $\mathbf{x}$, and calculate the corresponding $\mathbf{y}$.
To generate $\mathrm{A}$, we generate more vectors we need, then pick a linearly independent subset of those using the
function. -
Question in How-tos
The gap-fill part in this question is only marked correct if both gaps are correct.
The feedback from the individual gaps is not shown.
Question in How-tos
A custom marking algorithm for a JME part estabishes whether the student's answer is equivalent to the expected answer, up to an arbitrary constant factor.
Question in Demos
No description given
Question in Christian's workspace
Given two numbers, find the gcd, then use Bézout's algorithm to find $s$ and $t$ such that $as+bt=\operatorname{gcd}(a,b)$. Finally, find all solutions of an equation $\mod b$.
Question in How-tos
The student's answer is a fraction of two polynomials. First check that the student's answer is a fraction, then check that the numerator is of the form $x+a$.
To find the script, look in the Scripts tab of part a.
Question in Christian's workspace
Based on an activity tweeted by Richard Perring.
Question in How-tos
An all-or-nothing marking scheme for a gap-fill part: the student must answer every gap correctly to get all the marks. If any gap is incorrect they get 0 marks for the whole part.
Question in Christian's workspace
No description given
Question in Christian's workspace
Demo question: do some sneaky symbolic differentiation to check that the student's answer is the integral of the expression they're given.
Needs an advice section before it can be used.