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26 questions: Product Rule, Quotient Rule and Chain Rule. For those that want a thorough testing of their basic differentiation using the standard rules.
England schools
England university
Scotland schools
Taxonomy: mathcentre
Taxonomy: Kind of activity
Taxonomy: Context
Christian Lawson-Perfect 11 years, 6 months ago
Created this.There is only one version of this exam that you have access to.
There is one other version that you do not have access to.
1.draftDifferentiate the following functions: xnsinh(ax+b),tanh(cx+d),ln(cosh(px+q))
2.draftDifferentiate ln((ax+b)m)
3.draftDifferentiate √axm+b)
4.draftDifferentiate eaxm+bx2+c
5.draftThe derivative of xm(ax2+b)n is of the form xm−1(ax2+b)n−1g(x). Find g(x).
6.draftDifferentiate xm(ax+b)n using the product rule. The answer will be of the form xm−1(ax+b)n−1g(x) for a polynomial g(x). Find g(x).
7.draftDifferentiate f(x)=xm(ax+b)n.
8.draftDifferentiate xm√ax+b.The answer is in the form xm−1g(x)2√ax+bfor a polynomial g(x). Find g(x).
9.draftDifferentiate the function (a+bx)menx using the product rule.
10.draftDifferentiate (a+bx)msin(nx)
11.draftDifferentiate xmcos(ax+b)
12.draftDifferentiate sin(ax+b)enx.
13.draftDifferentiate (ax+b)m(cx+d)n using the product rule. The answer will be of the form (ax+b)m−1(cx+d)n−1g(x) for a polynomial g(x). Find g(x).
14.draftDifferentiate the function f(x)=(a+bx)menx using the product rule. Find g(x) such that f′(x)=(a+bx)m−1enxg(x).
15.draftThe derivative of ax+bcx2+dx+f is g(x)(cx2+dx+f)2. Find g(x).
16.draftThe derivative of ax+b√cx+d is g(x)2(cx+d)3/2. Find g(x).
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