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England schools
England university
Scotland schools
Taxonomy: mathcentre
Taxonomy: Kind of activity
Taxonomy: Context
Lovkush Agarwal 6 years, 4 months ago
Created this as a copy of CLE 4 True False.There are 88 other versions that do you not have access to.
Name | Type | Generated Value |
statements_true | list |
List of 15 items
statements_false | list |
List of 15 items
max_mark | integer |
n | integer |
a | integer |
b | rational |
c | integer |
Name | Type | Generated Value |
n_true | integer |
digits | list |
List of 40 items
rand | vector |
Vector with 15 components
statements | list |
List of 15 items
marks | matrix |
Matrix of size 15×2
Name | Type | Generated Value |
Generated value: list
[ "$\\log(a+b) \\neq \\log(a)+\\log(b)$", "$\\log(ab) = \\log(a)+\\log(b)$", "$\\log(a)-\\log(b) = \\log(\\frac{a}{b})$", "$-\\log(\\frac{a}{b}) = \\log(\\frac{b}{a})$", "$\\frac{\\log(a)}{\\log(b)} \\neq \\log(\\frac{a}{b})$", "$e^{a+b} \\neq e^{a} + e^{b}$", "$(e^a)^b = e^{ab}$", "$\\sin(0)=0 $", "$\\cos(0)=1 $", "$\\sin(\\pi)=0$", "$\\cos(\\pi)=-1 $", "$\\sin(\\frac{\\pi}{2})=1$", "$\\cos(\\frac{\\pi}{2})=0 $", "Starting from $(1,0)$, if you rotate by an angle of $\\theta$ anti-clockwise, the $x$-coordinate is $\\cos(\\theta)$", "When finding an angle using the sine rule, you have to think about if the angle is bigger or smaller than $90^{\\circ}$" ]
→ Used by:
- statements
Match choices with answers
Ask the student a question, and give any hints about how they should answer this part.
Which of the following are true and which are false? If you are unsure of something, find out the answer instead of guessing. A single error will result in a score 0 for the whole question. If you are unable to find out or understand the answer, you are welcome to ask me for help or advice.
For each combination of answer and choice, specify the number of marks to add or subtract when the student picks it.
Use this tab to check that this question works as expected.
Part | Test | Passed? |
Match choices with answers | ||
Hasn't run yet |
This question is used in the following exam: