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Given sample data find mean, standard deviation, median, interquartile range.
Note that there are different versions of the upper and lower quartiles, so you may want to include your own versions - see the user defined functions in the question.
England schools
England university
Scotland schools
Taxonomy: mathcentre
Taxonomy: Kind of activity
Taxonomy: Context
Bill Foster 12 years, 2 months ago
Created this.There is only one version of this question that you have access to.
There are 3 other versions that do you not have access to.
Name | Type | Generated Value |
me | integer |
tble1 | list |
Nested 2×12 list
tble | list |
Nested 2×13 list
shortform | string |
med | number |
this | string |
an online warehouse
m | integer |
period | string |
whatever | string |
number of orders per month
interq | number |
note | string |
p | string |
std | number |
r | list |
List of 24 items
these | string |
specialist camera equipment
t | list |
List of 13 items
av | number |
units | string |
over a 2 year period,
sig | number |
n | integer |
Generated value: integer
- tble1
Ask the student a question, and give any hints about how they should answer this part.
Sample mean =
Sample Standard Deviation =
Sample Median =
The interquartile range=
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Number entry | ||
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Number entry | ||
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Number entry | ||
Hasn't run yet |
This question is used in the following exams:
- SK exam by Steve King in Steve's workspace.
- BS1 Week 11 by Julie Crowley in Waste.
- Ellen 1 by Ellen Marshall in Ellen's workspace.
- Maths Support: Methods of sampling by Christian Lawson-Perfect in Maths Support Wiki.
- mathcentre: Methods of sampling by Newcastle University Mathematics and Statistics in mathcentre.
- James's copy of Bradford: Statistics 1 by James Eustace in James's workspace.
- David's copy of mathcentre: Methods of sampling by David Rickard in David's workspace.
- Bradford: Statistics 1 by Bill Foster in Bill's workspace.
- mathcentre: Business Statistics 1 by Bill Foster in Bill's workspace.
- Untitled Exam by Colin Beale in Colin's workspace.
- Statistics: 1 by Aneela Arshad in Aneela's workspace.
- James's copy of Statistics: 1 by James Eustace in James's workspace.
- Farzaneh's copy of Maths Support: Methods of sampling by Farzaneh Azizi in Farzaneh's workspace.
- Descriptive Statistics by Kevin Bohan in Kevin's workspace.
- boying's copy of mathcentre: Methods of sampling by boying xu in boying's workspace.
- Methods of sampling by Jeremie Wenger in Jeremie's workspace.
- Morgiane's copy of Maths Support: Methods of sampling by Morgiane Richard in Morgiane's workspace.
- Q1: Methods of sampling by James Maina in James's workspace.
- mathcentre: Methods of sampling by Michael Proudman in Mathcentre based Materials.
- Apprentices Year 2 Descriptive Statistics Quiz by Aoife O'Brien in Aoife's workspace.