73 results.
Question in Bill's workspace
Paired t-test to see if there is a difference between times take in a task.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
This question provides a list of data to the student. They are asked to find the "median".
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
This question provides a list of data to the student. They are asked to find the "range".
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
This question provides a list of data to the student. They are asked to find the "mode".
Question in Demos
Two sample t-test to see if there is a difference between scores on questions between two groups when the questions are asked in a different order.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given normal distribution N(m,σ2) find P(a<X<b),a<m,b>m and also find the value of X corresponding to a given percentile p%.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Two sample t-test to see if there is a difference between scores on questions between two groups when the questions are asked in a different order.
Question in Christian's workspace
An experiment is performed twice, each with 5 outcomes
xi,yi,i=1,…5 . Find mean and s.d. of their differences yi−xi,i=1,…5.
Question in DIAGNOSYS
No description given
Question in Jos's workspace
Template question. The student is asked to perform a two factor ANOVA to test the null hypotheses that the measurement does not depend on each of the factors, and that there is no interaction between the factors.
Question in Transition to university
Fill in a frequency table for grouped data, then estimate the mean and identify the modal class.
Question in Bill's workspace
Given a random variable X normally distributed as N(m,σ2) find probabilities P(X>a),a>m;P(X<b),b<m.
Question in Bill's workspace
Given sample data find mean, standard deviation, median, interquartile range.
Note that there are different versions of the upper and lower quartiles, so you may want to include your own versions - see the user defined functions in the question.
Question in Bill's workspace
Two sample t-test to see if there is a difference between scores on questions between two groups when the questions are asked in a different order.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given mean and sd of 1000 sample returns on a scale of 1 to 7 together with a given score, find the z-score.
Also find the 95% confidence interval for the population mean.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Two factor ANOVA example
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
One-way ANOVA example
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given data on population mean and population standard deviation and three sampling sizes, calculate the probabilities that the sample means are within a specified distance from the population mean.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
For a sample of size n from a Poisson distribution Poisson(λ) and given the mean of the sample, find the MLE for λ. Also find the expected information and a confidence interval for λ.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Arrivals given by exponential distribution, parameter θ and Y, sample mean on inter-arrival times. Find and calculate unbiased estimator for θ.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
For a sample of size n from a normal distribution, given mean of the sample mean and the standard deviation , find the t-statistic corresponding to a null hypothesis μ=m and a given confidence level. Check if the result is significant at this level.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
LSD and Tukey yardsticks on five treatments. Also two-way Anova test on same set of data.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
For a sample of size n from a normal distribution and given the mean of the sample and the standard deviation of the distribution, find the MLE for the mean. Also the expected information and a confidence interval for the mean.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Paired t-test to see if there is a difference between times take in a task.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
For a sample of size n from an Exponential distribution Exponential(λ) and given the mean of the sample, find the MLE for λ. Also find the expected information and a confidence interval for λ.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
LSD and Tukey yardsticks on three treatments. Also one-way Anova test on same set of data.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given sum of sample from a Normal distribution with unknown mean μ and known variance σ2. Find MLE of μ and one of four functions of μ.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Using a random sample from a population with given mean and variance, find the expectation and variance of three estimators of μ. Unbiased, efficient?
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given sample data find mean, standard deviation, median, interquartile range,
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
One-way ANOVA example