105 results.
Question in DIAGNOSYS
No description given
Question in DIAGNOSYS
No description given
Question in Bill's workspace
The data is fitted by linear and quadratic regression. First, find a linear regression equation for the n data points, 20≤n≤35.
They then are shown that the quadratic regression is often a better fit as measured by SSE. Also users can experiment with fitting polynomials of higher degree.
Question in Julie's workspace
Solve: d2ydx2+2adydx+(a2+b2)y=0,y(0)=1 and y′(0)=c.
Question in Julie's workspace
Method of undermined coefficients:
Solve: d2ydx2+2adydx+a2y=0,y(0)=c and y(1)=d. (Equal roots example). Includes an interactive plot.
Question in Transition to university
Apply the quadratic formula to find the roots of a given equation. The quadratic formula is given in the steps if the student requires it.
Question in Transition to university
Differentiate between linear and quadratic sequences and arithmetic and geometric sequences through a series of multiple choice questions. Spot different patterns in sequences like the triangle sequence, square sequence and cubic sequence and then use this pattern to find the next three terms in each of the sequences.
Question in Yuriy's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph plot shows the curve going through the entered values.
Question in Tony's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph plot shows the curve going through the entered values.
Question in AP's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph (the graph paper) plot shows the curve going through the entered values. The student input is now disconnected from the graph so that they slide the points usually after they input the values and the answer fields are not updated.
Question in David's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. Calculate the slope and intercept of a line.
Question in David's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. The student input is now disconnected from the graph so that they slide the points on the graph after they input the values and the answer fields are not updated. Now includes a graph in advice.
Question in Ricardo's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph plot shows the curve going through the entered values.
Question in Jessica's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph (the graph paper) plot shows the curve going through the entered values. The student input is now disconnected from the graph so that they slide the points usually after they input the values and the answer fields are not updated.
Question in Phil's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph plot shows the curve going through the entered values.
Question in Jos's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph plot shows the curve going through the entered values.
Question in Julie's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. The student input is now disconnected from the graph so that they slide the points on the graph after they input the values and the answer fields are not updated. Now includes a graph in advice.
Question in Julie's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph (the graph paper) plot shows the curve going through the entered values. The student input is now disconnected from the graph so that they slide the points usually after they input the values and the answer fields are not updated.
Question in Phil's workspace
Drag points on a JSXgraph plot to sketch solution
Question in AP's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph (the graph paper) plot shows the curve going through the entered values. The student input is now disconnected from the graph so that they slide the points usually after they input the values and the answer fields are not updated.
Question in Bill's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. The student input is now disconnected from the graph so that they slide the points on the graph after they input the values and the answer fields are not updated. Now includes a graph in advice.
Question in joshua's workspace
Compute a table of values for a cubic function. A JSXgraph (the graph paper) plot shows the curve going through the entered values. The student input is now disconnected from the graph so that they slide the points usually after they input the values and the answer fields are not updated.
Question in Bill's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph (the graph paper) plot shows the curve going through the entered values. The student input is now disconnected from the graph so that they slide the points usually after they input the values and the answer fields are not updated.
Question in AP's workspace
No description given
Question in AP's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph (the graph paper) plot shows the curve going through the entered values. The student input is now disconnected from the graph so that they slide the points usually after they input the values and the answer fields are not updated.
Question in AP's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph plot shows the curve going through the entered values.
Question in AP's workspace
Compute a table of values for a quadratic function. A JSXgraph (the graph paper) plot shows the curve going through the entered values. The student input is now disconnected from the graph so that they slide the points usually after they input the values and the answer fields are not updated.
Question in Bill's workspace
Factorise x2+bx+c into 2 distinct linear factors and then find ∫ax2+bx+cdx using partial fractions or otherwise.
Question in Demos
Customised for the Numbas demo exam
Factorise x2+cx+d into 2 distinct linear factors and then find ∫ax+bx2+cx+ddx,a≠0 using partial fractions or otherwise.
Video in Show steps.
Question in Bill's workspace
Solve for x: c(a2)x+d(a)x+1=b (there is only one solution for this example).