1586 results for "with".
Question in Stephen's workspace
Simple counting exercise, with combinations
Question in Stephen's workspace
Introduction to counting with permutations and combinations
Question in Ed questions to share
Used for LANTITE preparation (Australia). SP = Statistics & Probability strand. Students are shown a bar chart with error bars and asked one of five possible questions.
Question in College Algebra for STEM
Compare two savings accounts with different interest rates.
Question in All questions
Three lines given with different information provided. Equation of the line is asked for.
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Questions around the notion of map, with underlying topic the statement of Goldbach's conjecture. The student has to write the conjecture (by filling in some gaps) as a surjectivity statement for a map, and compute some preimages of elements.
(In German)
Question in Introduction to Calculus
More work on differentiation with trigonometric functions
Question in Jane's workspace
A question to practice simplifying fractions with the use of factorisation (for binomial and quadratic expressions).
Question in Lineare Algebra 1
Rationalise the denominator with increasingly difficult examples involving compound denominators.
Translated to German, made some minor changes to Advice section.
Original: https://numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk/question/22555/rationalising-the-denominator-surds/ by Lauren Richards
Exam (19 questions) in PA1710
A set of Numbas exercises for students transitioning from school to University. Designed to help students gain familiarity with using Numbas to enter mathematics, and as revision for algebra, geometry and calculus.
Question in Introduction to Calculus
Solve for $x$ each of the following equations: $n^{ax+b}=m^{cx}$ and $p^{rx^2}=q^{sx}$.
Question in Nick's workspace
Separable 1st order ODE with exponentials
Question in Transition to university
Two trains arrive at the same platform with different periods. Compute the LCM of the two periods to find the time they clash.
This is a context question testing the student's ability to identify the lowest common multiple of two integer values which are not multiples of each other.
Question in Mechanics
Integrate Paris Law equation to estimate life to failure.
Question in COM281
Exercises in solving simultaneous equations with 2 variables.
Question in BUYS
Uses JSXGraph to generate a plot for a cubic, with given critical points, along with three other incorrect graphs with modified properties. JSXGraph code is commented.
Question in Question authoring examples
This question is the one described in method 1 of the example "Apply a standard integral" in the Numbas documentation.
The student is shown a randomly chosen function to integrate. The function is one of $e^{kx}$, $x^k$, $\cos(kx)$, $\sin(kx)$, with $k$ a randomly chosen integer.
Question in DemosThe student is asked to add two four-digit numbers. Alternative answers are set up with progressively expanding ranges of accepted values, so the student gets more marks for getting closer to the true answer.
Question in Demos
An example of using the GeoGebra extension to ask the student to create a geometric construction, with marking and steps.
Question in Standard Maths
Students are given a word problem with the distance travelled and the time taken by a cyclist. They need to choose the correct form for the linear equation, compute the gradient, and plot the line.
The distance travelled and time taken are randomised.
Speed, distance and time are all integer values.
Question in Standard Maths
This is a very simple question with no randomisation.
Students are asked to identify an inverse relationship equation.
Question in Demos
This question shows how to use the GeoGebra extension to start with a blank worksheet, and add objects to it.
Exam (3 questions) in Mechanics
Simple Hertz contact without friction.
Question in Christian's workspace
An example to help debug a problem with GeoGebra.
Exam (5 questions) in Content created by Newcastle University
Questions used in a university course titled "Group theory".
The questions deal with permutations written in cycle or two-line notation.
Question in Quantities extension
Given a parcel's width, height and length, calculate its volume and surface area. Additionally, classify its size based on a formula inspired by a real delivery company (as mad as it sounds!).
The student must give units with each measurement.
Question in Bill's workspace
Differentiate $\displaystyle ax^b, ax^b+cx^{1/d}, \frac{a}{x^{1/c}}+\frac{b}{x^{-1/d}}+c$ with respect to $x$.
Question in Bill's workspace
Given sample data find mean, standard deviation, median, interquartile range.
Note that there are different versions of the upper and lower quartiles, so you may want to include your own versions - see the user defined functions in the question.
Question in Bill's workspace
Solve for $x$ each of the following equations: $n^{ax+b}=m^{cx}$ and $p^{rx^2}=q^{sx}$.
Question in Bill's workspace
Find the polynomial $g(x)$ such that $\displaystyle \int \frac{ax+b}{(cx+d)^{n}} dx=\frac{g(x)}{(cx+d)^{n-1}}+C$.